Chapter 12



The search for Sidonnie proved futile, a gnawing ache in my chest that refused to subside. Despite numerous attempts to find her, she remained nowhere to be found, and the relentless search took its toll on my resolve and ye faith I had that she will surely be found. Eventually, a reluctant acceptance settled in, and I found myself redirecting the energy that once fueled the search for her into something else.

Returning to the hustle of my life as a businessman and the responsibilities that came with being an Alpha, I buried myself in the familiar rhythm of work.

The memories of Donnie lingered in the recesses of my mind, but I pushed them aside, compartmentalizing the personal turmoil to maintain a semblance of control. The notion that I made a huge mistake never ceased to leave my mind. It finds its way to me at any free time I had. In such times, I would take a look at the peony brooch the old lady gave me at the bar and caress it in my palm with the hope that one day, I’ll find her

my mate.

As the weeks passed, the urgency of the search softened into a dull ache, blending seamlessly with the demands of my dual life. The business world became a refuge for me as it became a place where the echoes of unanswered questions couldn’t reach me.

“Carl,” Donald, my amiable Beta, strolled in with some files in his hand, his facial expression unsettling. We were way closer than using honorifics for each other when we were alone.

“What is it, Don?” I responded to him fondly as I do usually.

“How many

many times will I tell you not to call me that?” He took a scat beside me.

“So, what’s new?” I asked, knowing fully well that he came for business updates.

“Of course, there are lot of new things and I bet you’re going to find them interesting. As you know, our recent market analysis indicates a potential for strategic expansion in the Partic County, close to the Servians. I’ve been reviewing the reports and wanted to get your insights on this opportunity.” Donald began, and I listened with rapt attention.

“Okay, the Partic market is growing very fast, and it aligns with our long–term goals. I’ve looked into the economic trends, consumer behavior, and competition in the region. There’s an evident gap in the market that we could capitalize on. But what are the key factors that make this market appealing to us?”

“Firstly, the economic growth in the county is outrunning many other parts involved in.

12:59 Fri, 1 Mart G.

Chapter 12

increasing purchasing power. This gives us a significant opportunity for our products and services. Also, the demand for our

Interesting. How about the regulatory environment? Are there any

there are some regulatory complexities, they are not insurmountable. With proper legal counsel and a thorough understanding of local laws, we can navigate these challenges effectively. I’ve already initiated talks with a reputable law firm in the region

appreciate your thorough analysis. It shows how dedicated you are. So, before we

high, the competition is also fierce. We need to stay agile and continuously adapt

week to finalize the strategy and allocate resources. Let’s make it happen.”

in our tradition, and I flashed a

and with a dignified departure, he approached


He paused in his steps, returning

“What is it?”

issue I forgot to bring up.”

I’m all

around our turf, and it’s getting hairy.

do they

knows? We can’t just howl them away. We have to find out to know

this? It’s been weeks

I had to double check the facts before letting your

Chapter 12

things. About who they are, we’re still investigating

me in.” I ordered, and

first, we took it to be nothing and wiped ite off but it didn’t stop there. One morning, that same sign was drawn on the walls in the torture square. Then,

you just say

have ten missing people. Three teenage pups and seven adult werewolves, each of them are

just told me about. Such incidents were the least of what I wanted on my plate

Carl?” Donald asked, breaking

to chat with them, see if we can work things out without much damages. That way, we

My guys are working on it. But if that doesn’t

talking fails, then we’ll show our teeth. But that’s plan B. We have to try keeping things cool first. You know, we don’t need anything

my pack which gives every

Moon stays on track. We need our pack strong and united. Let the

“Alright, Alpha.”

sign being drawn on the pack walls constantly, can I see a sample of it? A drawing would do.”

paper and did a quick sketch of the said symbol which turned out to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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