Chapter 17


Not having a choice, I waited behind for whatever Rex had in store. Rex instructed someone to inform his sister about my presence. Before her arrival, I thought of what I could do to avoid any uncomfortable situation.

“She’s on her way. I’m sorry to take your time.” Alpha Rex said, grinning from ear to ear. I flashed him a forced smile.

“How about you direct me to a popular restaurant around here? Then, she comes over to meet me there for the discussion.” I suggested it after a deep thought. When I get there, I can finally have a proper discussion with Rex’s sister about my choices and perhaps we could come to a conclusion that’s going to be favourable to us both under the necessity of the packs‘ alliance but without Rex intruding in our discussion because. I know he has an aim by telling me to marry his sister.

“Of course, I’ve got a list of restaurants around. You can make your choice and a guard will lead you there,” Rex replied, signaling to someone nearby to hand me what I requested.

I collected the catalog that was handed to me, going through the list of restaurants that was written there. After a while, I finally chose one.

“Feel free, Alpha Carlyle. A guard will lead you there.”

“Thanks so much, Alpha Rex. But you don’t have to, I can find my way.”

“It’s your choice.”

Stepping into the streets of Rex’s pack and with my heightened werewolf senses attuned to the subtle sounds and scents around me, I began searching for the restaurant.

Approaching a passerby, I inquired, “Excuse me, could you direct me to The Crescent Bistro? I seem to have lost my way.” The stranger was a bit taken aback by my question and he hesitated before providing clear instructions.

As I walked, my werewolf senses kicked in, allowing me to catch faint traces of familiar scents carried by the breeze. I took a moment to close my eyes, focusing on the olfactory landscape of the city. The distinctive aroma of The Crescent Bistro’s signature dishes guided me in the right direction.

Turning a corner, I found myself in an intersection with people. A vibrant conversation between two pedestrians caught my attention. I approached with a friendly demeanour,

“Excuse me, I’m looking for The Crescent Bistro. Can you help me find it?” Their

13:00 Fri, 1 Mar ti


Chapter 17


whatever Rex had in store. Rex instructed. someone to inform his sister about my

way. I’m sorry to take your time.” Alpha Rex said,

a forced

over to meet me there for the discussion.” I suggested it after a deep thought. When I get there, I can finally have a proper discussion with Rex’s sister about my choices and perhaps we could come to a

restaurants around. You can make your choice and a guard. will lead you

to me, going through the list of restaurants that was written there. After a

free, Alpha Carlyle. A guard will

But you don’t have to, I can find

“It’s your choice.”

the streets of Rex’s pack and with my heightened werewolf senses attuned to the subtle sounds and scents around me, I began searching for the restaurant.

The Crescent Bistro? I seem to have lost my way.” The stranger was a bit taken

in, allowing me to catch faint traces of familiar scents carried by the breeze. I took a moment to close my eyes, focusing on the olfactory landscape of the city. The distinctive aroma of The


an intersection with

my attention. I approached with a

The Crescent Bistro.


Mar ti o G

Chapter 17

shifted to assisting me, and they provided additional guidance.

I couldn’t help but appreciate the environment a blend of human interactions and reliance on my supernatural

my way to sit at a far corner of the restaurant where it won’t

I settled in for a seat, a waiter approached me with a

like to get a drink with your meal?” He

order when she arrives.” It returned the smile. The waiter nodded at my response

graceful lady entered the restaurant, adorned with a veil that added to her gracefulness as a hushed reverence spread through the room. Everyone who saw her acknowledged the respect she commanded, and her calm responses echoed the poise

her way through the tables, arriving at mine,

again.” She spoke up first.

do you mean?” I asked.

She replied, and it dawned on me that

you’re the one?”

with me now?” She teased, pulling off her veil seductively. Damn! She screamed beauty but for

and just sat there, staring

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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