Chapter 19

The hall was in an uproar because of Dustin’s actions.

The timid guests had long left, in fear of becoming caught in the crossfire.

As for the unconscious and critically injured Edward, his bodyguards had immediately taken him to the hospital.

“This is troublesome.” Dahlia had a concerned look on her face as she scowled.

Sir Spanner was infamous for being cruel and ruthless, and he surely wouldn’t be inclined to just let things go when his son had been beaten into such a state.

Dustin may not have much longer to live.

“Lyra, I want you to find out if there’s any way this can be resolved peacefully,” Dahlia suddenly said.

Lyra was puzzled. “What do Dustin’s actions have to do with us, Ms. Nicholson? Why do we need to expend effort for his sake?” a

Dahlia had a frosty expression as she retorted, “He saved my life earlier. Should I just

watch him die?”

“That’s not what I meant, I just think it would be very unwise to cross Sir Spanner at this point. Moreover, no one would willingly get involved in this mess,” Lyra explained.

“It doesn’t matter, we have to try.” Dahlia had a resolute look in her eyes.

“… Very well then,” Lyra responded, having no choice but to comply. She then immediately started making calls to all their connections.

However, all the big bosses immediately hung up from fright once they had gotten a grasp of the situation, and none of them dared step in since Sir Spanner was involved.

“You see, Ms. Nicholson? It’s not because we don’t want to help, but because we can’t,” Lyra said, waving her hands.

“Try again,” Dahlia ordered, frowning.

“There’s no point-” Lyra shook her head as she began to speak when she noticed Chris off to the side. “Hey, maybe Mr. Nolan will be able to help us.”

asked, surprised, as he

you say before that your father was

Chapter 19

be able to mitigate the situation, right?”

Chris was taken

business. There might be a chance of mitigation if it were just a small matter, but Edward

you’re able to help with this,


Chris couldn’t help having a dilemma. This was his best chance of wooing her, so naturally, he wasn’t willing to let it pass him

can give it a try, but I can’t guarantee anything. After all, it is Sir

understand. I’ll already be so grateful as long as

doesn’t lose his life!”

best,” Chris said

if it worked out, but there weren’t any cons if it didn’t. After all, Dahlia already owed him a favor by asking

a lounge

lips curled into a meaningful smile as


clear view of Edward being beaten and almost gave

hands and cheer.

members of the Spanner family to be as annoying as flies, but she hadn’t been able to take

Dustin did not disappoint. She was quite delighted with

enough influence to protect him from Trevor’s wrath. Should we assist him?” Alfred

someone monitor him–it’s too

narrowed as she looked at Dustin’s imposing

on the screen.


think so highly of him?” Alfred asked,

smirked. “More like intrigue–I have a feeling that he’s full of

have feelings for him, do you, Ms. Harmon? Please

glance in Alfred’s direction, and

from fear.

this: You are in no position to say anything about my personal affairs; just focus on

further as he felt a chill run down his


Edward was surrounded by a crowd of people as the emergency operating room’s doors opened, and he was wheeled out on a hospital bed with his lower half completely bandaged. At the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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