Chapter 28

She was the type to make men fall in love with her at first sight. Thus, she was shocked to learn that Dustin had forgotten about her after just one night. Was her presence so insignificant?

“Um… you do look familiar. I think I’ve seen you somewhere.” Dustin tried to dig through his memories.

“Yesterday, at the hospital. You treated my grandfather. Do you remember now?” The girl uttered through gritted teeth.

“Oh! You’re Natasha’s sister, Roth. Am I right?”

“Who the hell are you calling Roth? My name is Ruth! Ruth Harmon!” Ruth nearly exploded out of exasperation. She wanted to step on the gas pedal and run Dustin over with her car. All this time, she’d never been treated this way. How insulting!

“I’m sorry. Ms. Ruth, are you looking for me for some reason?” Dustin quickly changed the topic.

be here otherwise?” Ruth rolled her eyes and ordered, “Hurry up and get in the car. Natasha has fallen sick and is demanding

What happened to

should go and find out. Now, get in!”

then left under the jealous gaze of the

front of a luxurious building called Java Joys. The place boasted a large backyard, which not only had hot springs but also a garden and a swimming pool.

24/7. O

car, Ruth led the way, and they hurriedly made it to a bedroom. At

a business suit while she soaked in a bathtub full of ice

her breathing was labored. As her chest rose and fell, it caused

happened to you?” Dustin walked over and was stunned the moment he noticed that she wasn’t wearing anything under her suit. While it

at first, certain parts of her skin became visible when the fabric was slowly soaked with water. Like any other man, Dustin found it

like Natasha was

hazy eyes and spoke with difficulty, “My body feels so hot. I’m so thirsty and in pain… It feels like my chest is on fire. Quick, help me

if I’m not mistaken, it looks like you’ve been drugged. And with a potent

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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