Chapter 4

“Mom, take James to the hospital. I’ll deal with this.”

After a moment’s silence, Dahlia finally made her decision.

“Dahlia, you must defend your brother! Don’t let that bastard off so easily!” Florence said hatefully.

“Don’t worry, I know what I should do.”

Dahlia nodded, gesturing for two guards to send Florence and James to the hospital.

“What do you think, Lyra?”

Dahlia rubbed her temples. She felt a headache coming on.

“It’s obvious, isn’t it? It was Dustin who assaulted them first. The security guards were witnesses, so that can’t be a lie,” Lyra said.

“But my mother’s not exactly an honest person…” Dahlia began. She knew her mother and brother well. They were a hot-tempered and ruthless duo.

“Either way, it’s still wrong for him to throw the first punch!” Lyra said righteously. “Even if there was a misunderstanding, why couldn’t he talk it out? Moreover, it was James that he beat up. Your brother! He didn’t think of how you would feel when he attacked your family. This alone is proof that he’s not a good person!”

Dahlia’s frown deepened along with her doubts. Lyra was right. Even if her mother and brother were rude and unreasonable, there was no reason for Dustin to assault them physically, nor was there any reason for him to hurt James so badly. It would seem like her decision to divorce him was right.

“You can’t just let this go, Ms. Nicholson. You have to teach him a lesson!” Lyra said.

Hearing this, Dahlia became angry. She took out her phone and called Dustin. At the same time, Dustin was sitting in a silver Bentley and frowned when he saw the call coming in. Despite his reluctance, he still picked up the call.

“Dustin, I need an explanation!” Dahlia demanded.

“What explanation?”

you hit my

“I did. But…”

he could finish,

be such a person! Are you taking revenge on my family just because I divorced

Dahlia to be so aggressive. She hadn’t even stopped to listen to what he had to say. After three years

knew that I hit your brother, but have

still shouldn’t have hit

He was disappointed in her. At this point, it didn’t matter who was in the wrong. She clearly favored her brother

chance. Go to the hospital right now

you going to call the police on me, or hire hitmen

to throw away my goodwill like this?” Dahlia

you sure it’s goodwill that you’re extending me? Anyway, I did beat up your brother, so do with that what you


good at hiding her true emotions. It was one of the reasons why she had

you need me to arrange

We’re done now.” Dahlia took a deep breath to quell


say more when Dahlia stopped

enough of this. I need to work on more important

charity ball? Has that got anything to do

family has shortlisted the Quine Group. If we do well at this ball, we could be the Harmon

make the arrangements

bed. He looked pale, and his lips were dry and cracked. His breathing was weak as

You’re finally here. These doctors are

up to them. She was the second daughter of the Harmon family, Ruth Harmon, and the

we’ve already done everything we could. There’s nothing else we can do for him,” a

can do, then let someone else take over the reins,” Natasha

Rhys will

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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