Chapter 182

After what Aiden had put Ruby through, she must be crazy if she missed the man, especially after the ultimate betrayal that he had done.

There was no coming back from that. This must be some kind of karma for her, but what happened to her was completely different from what he did to Lilac.

Aiden didn’t have a child with Lilac and he didn’t mark her when he started his affair with Ruby, but when he did it to her, she had been marked and they had their first child together.

That was so cruel for Aiden not to think twice when he stick his member into another woman’s.

“What do you want from me?” Ruby asked, she covered her mark with her hair, while holding her baby. If you didn’t see it closely, you wouldn’t be able to tell that this was a mark from alpha James and luna Jasmine was too anxious to notice that, even though she was so close with Ruby right now.

“I want to know what kind of help that alpha Ramon had offered to Aiden. I want to know in detail.”

This could be counted as luna Jasmine asked for help from Ruby, but she was still holding onto her pride and talked to her as if she was talking to her lackey, which didn’t sit well with Ruby.

“If you wanted to know about that, you need to ask alpha Ramon himself. I don’t know why you came to me instead.” Ruby focused on her baby, she pretended as if luna Jasmine didn’t even existed.

“Get me in contact with alpha Ramon in secret, if there was someone else knew about it, I will never forgive you.” This was a warning, but luna Jasmine knew her words didn’t hold any threat at all.

“Why do I need your forgiveness?” Ruby asked coldly. “I don’t need your forgiveness. It’s you who asked for my help, but why can’t you talk nicely to me?”

Luna Jasmine gritted her teeth, her eyes flickered with malice. “I only wanted you to know that a mother, who lost their child is not a person that you wanted to face.”

that, luna

back to

the streets from the dead lycan and buried their fallen warriors.

a very grim

Hunter had time to write a letter, among ten letters he received, eight was from Lilac, who was worried, apparently she learned about what happened in the Golden Light

their initial plan.

a report from Cane too, right?” Lilac asked Darren,

in which told her that everything

thing to know whether he

fine, luna,”

She felt slightly





Chapter 182


the alpha, luna. Hunter is the strongest lycan. There will be nothing bad happened to him. You


her mouth and the sound of her voice was

and killed. Just because he has a high ability to heal himself, it doesn’t mean he has an undying body. Don’t take

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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