Leonel's depressed mood didn't last for long. Soon we was smiling as though nothing had happened.

At that moment, an arm wrapped around his shoulders. Considering how easily the culprit had done so, it was obvious that he was even taller than Leonel.

"Another failure, how many is that already? 520?"

"521." Leonel muttered.

"Almost every school day since first-year, huh?"

The culprit laughed, leading Leonel up the stairs.

"There are too many young noble women looking to get into the good books of the 3021st bachelor of the Eligible Minor list. Yet you've been solely focused on one girl for four years, think of all the hearts breaking across the world."

Leonel laughed. "James, when you have to say such a large number, it makes the accomplish ring hollow, don't you think?"

It was quite funny. It was nice to be ranked, but being told that there were 3020 men better than him didn't exactly have a nice ring to it. Plus, this was just the Eligible Minor list, once he turned 18, he might not rank on the true Eligible Bachelor list at all.

More depressing than that was the fact there were several snotty-nosed brats no more than 13 or 14 years old ranked ahead of him.

"Bah, forget that damned list." James spat. "Who knows what perverted grandma ranked a bunch of minors on their eligibility? Load of nonsense."

"Must be nice looking down from on high like that, Mr. 1034th."

James laughed pervertedly, shaking Leonel side to side with his arm.

[Scanning… Security procedures underway]

[Student Leonel Morales recognized]

[Welcome future Five-Star Quarterback]

Leonel heard the usual mechanical voice ringing in his ears. Though he knew no one else could hear it, he still felt a deep disgust whenever he heard this introduction.

"Think about it this way," James continued as they entered the grand hallways of Royal Blue Academy, "There are over three billion people on Earth who are under 18. Half of those are men like us. Yet were in the top percent of a percent of a percent of them.

"You gotta stop chasing after this one girl. There are too many who want you."

alone. But in four years, she's never said a word after one of my confessions. She always just runs off." Leonel swiped his finger under his nose a few times. "It's obvious

the students were used to

words, I know you don't care about these surface things. I should have known nothing would affect your state of mind

from Leonel's shoulder, pounding a fist

Championship loss in a row."

his best friend's gaze. James was easily three inches taller than him and had been his partner in crime ever since they

to talk to you about

was cut off

there's a test

Without thinking much, he pulled out a binder

the bottom of the barrel. If it wasn't for the fact his Gene Analysis decided that his fateful career was that of a 'Five-Star Tight End', he

already a miracle that Leonel could make it into Senior Class A to begin

every other child at the age of three, he took a mandatory Genetic Analysis Examination. Among other things, this test was meant to decide your optimal career path while weighing your benefit to

One Star Professional was average. This person wouldn't cause any waves in their career path, but they would be able to stabilize its foundation,

In a single generation, there wouldn't be more than a hundred children with this level of evaluation,

too was a Five Star Professional. The trouble was that he had no interest in joining the National American Football League

great life, but he would never be taken seriously outside of his sport. This was part of the reason he was ranked so lowly

course, this wasn't the full reason or else James wouldn't be ranked so much higher


His personality was really too odd. He had just been confessing his undying love to Aina, yet now he sat right behind her

blushed whenever she saw Leonel on the steps hardly reacted to his entry into

be considered quite close knit. They had become quite invested in the Leonel-Aina romance. Unfortunately, the two gave them no food for

books away. The test will start

seemingly normal desks surfaces flickered and became screens. They were designed to block light projection in every direction but the

was like he entered a battlefield as the class

now, the others of Senior Class A had become used to it. After all, they had journeyed up with Leonel from Freshman Class

so seriously? They really couldn't understand how Leonel was evaluated as a Five-Star Quarterback instead of a Five-Star General. Even if he was evaluated as a Four-Star General like

finished with blazing speed, only taking half an hour to complete a two-hour test. Without a choice,

of the class breathed a sigh of relief. Now they could start taking the test

teach. I

on in years, smiled lightly. She was quite fond of this young one. "I know you athletes have a lot on your plate. Go

of something and paused. He looked up to the ceiling and muttered something as though he

on her exam. His finger tapped the metallic watch on her small wrist before she could react. There was a light glow that signaled from

looked up and realized it was Leonel. For a moment, she didn't know

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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