Leonel snapped awake, his body shooting upward as his nerves were primed to an extreme. His mind ran on overdrive, scanning everything around him. But, he ultimately found nothing.

He was in the depths of a forest, but it was oddly green. He hadn't seen such greenery in over year since he had been stuck in the Void Palace. But, this didn't put him at ease at all.

Hadn't the whole Void Palace been swallowed? So how was it that he was no longer where he had been previously? How long had he been out of it? Did someone bring him here? No, that didn't make sense. Why would someone just plop him in the middle of a forest and then run away? He could sense anything in his near vicinity.

Leonel took a breath and calmed himself. Then, he leaped into the tree by his side before plummeting back down once again.

His eyes widened.

This world? Just where was he?

He had gotten used to the pinnacle Seventh Dimensional atmosphere of the Void Palace, and he had jumped accordingly. But, he actually hadn't jumped as high as he thought he should have?

It couldn't be. Was this an Eighth Dimensional world?!

That didn't make sense either. The combination of dense Anarchic Force and its pinnacle Seventh Dimensional atmosphere should have made the Void Palace no less difficult to navigate than any Eighth Dimensional world. In fact, there were definitely Eighth Dimensional worlds that couldn't compare to the Void Palace in this regard.

his Ability Index was just as

think about what this meant. Just what the hell kind of Zone was

going off in his Dreamscape. When the realization sunk in, he felt his heart tremble.

the end of


thought that he never put into action. What if you used

fact, wouldn't it be better to go over

experienced it before personally. Back when he entered the Camelot Zone, the members of the Slayer Legion

living beings. And, because Leonel had taken Little Blackstar out of the snowglobe for the first time back then, the Zone had registered one additional

penalty for one additional person hadn't been too harsh. But, their time limit had

two people? Ten? A hundred? Several

of youths in the Void Palace, and that was just the young. What about the older individuals? What if this Zone also counted the Cursed Beasts in the mountains just like

be surprised if they had already surpassed the time limit. But, he couldn't even check because he

control of a Zone, change its location, and Leonel was certain that they would also have to be able to manipulate the size of the Zone as well. After all, if the Zone was

colder the

genocide on an impossibly large scale. Everyone who had been sucked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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