There were over 20 muscular Dorvall family bodyguards dressed in suits. They were clearly skilled fighters, and each had a menacing demeanor, ready to pounce.

“Wait!” Zoe raised her hand suddenly, gesturing for the group of bodyguards to hold off for a moment. Then, she glared at Amber and taunted her viciously, “Do you feel a glimmer of hope now that this worthless man has returned from the military?”

Then, she added maliciously, “Do you know what he’s been up to? He went to the Tempest Hound Stadium, fed Vernon to the dogs, killed three Tibetan Mastiffs that Grandpa loved so much, and injured many spectators. He got into all sorts of trouble! Not only that, but he also hit Herbert and me! Based on these actions alone, it’s enough to kill your entire family!”

Amber’s lips quivered. Then, she glanced at Alexander beside her, her face filled with despair.

Alexander had been impulsive. Far too impulsive!

Given his behavior at the bathhouse, Amber could guess that Zoe’s accusations were not baseless. Alexander was more than capable of such actions!

and his gaze locked onto Amber’s eyes as he assured her softly, “Don’t

nonsense? Herbert ordered the bodyguards to attack, but you intervened. That can’t be out of goodwill! Out with it, then.

right, Zoe. I was just about to

the sea a while back, I would’ve thought he was long gone. It’s only now that I’ve realized that because he went to war, our marriage information must’ve entered the military system, and I can’t proceed with the divorce alone. He must agree

grunted, looking

taken aback, but she quickly assumed an arrogant demeanor. “Alexander, considering your retirement from the war, Herbert and I are willing to spare your life today. We’re willing to let bygones

Alexander chuckled.

military, not to be trifled with. Moreover, given Zoe’s

ruler of Wyverna. Let alone in Ol’ Mare’s registry,

was foolish

Zoe. “You want a divorce, and so do I. Isn’t that quite a coincidence? Even though you lied to me over the past five years, you and I did walk down the aisle together

full of yourself, Alexander? If it weren’t for your military service and that veteran status, you’d be long dead by now! Who do you think you are, asking me if I’ve thought this through?

at the dogfighting arena and those three Tibetan Mastiffs… Alexander, you can

shook his head slowly. This horrendous woman had no

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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