Chapter 0010

It was Alexander’s insignia, and this represented his leadership and command over the Four Dukes of War, the Seven War Kings, and 108 Generals under his

wing. Alexander was in control of a mighty army!

It also symbolized the unparalleled glory of the entire Wyverna, indicating the Lord of War’s extraordinary achievements in building the nation. Seeing this insignia was akin to seeing the man himself.

This insignia was indeed unparalleled in the entire world!

With trembling hands, Amber covered her mouth and silently sobbed.

Alexander actually proposed to her!

This was beyond her wildest dreams, or perhaps it was precisely what she had fantasized about countless times, yearning for it over five long years!

She had endured too much injustice and suffered through too much hardship in the past five years.

That day, she fearlessly rescued the young man from a car accident.

That night, she willingly shared a drunken, passionate night with him.

Amber lost her gentle, melodic voice and position as the Chesire family heiress over these five years. Moreover, her parents were also exiled from the Chesire family as well.

In these five years, she gave birth to Olivia, but circumstances often separated them. Fortunately, Olivia was a girl. Otherwise, Zoe might have tried to take away even her beloved child!

and rescuing her from Elliot. He even divorced Zoe and

just an act, even if Alexander had hired a film crew or rented

this intention, it was

“Marry him! Marry him!”

them, and enthusiastic onlookers clapped

“Marry him! Marry him!”



right hands over

Marry him…

bit her lip and held back the teary emotions threatening to escape. Soon, her

it matter? He was her man and Olivia’s

Olivia with his left arm and Amber’s waist with his right. His face radiated

daughter were finally safe in

them to the pinnacle

“Congratulations, Your Lordship!”

guards maintained their half-kneeling stance, pounding their chests with clenched fists, their shouts echoing in the air.

cheers filled the streets and rang

Worthless man…” Not far away, Zoe clenched her

was humiliated and

the grand entourage was rented and the actors were part of

spectacle of this grand proposal was enough to


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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