Chapter 0020

“T–This flower…” Zachary held the Skyflower in his trembling hands and gazed at Alexander fearfully, gulping.

What a sight. The man before him had managed to acquire Serandsi’s national flower!

What type of person was he?

Alexander cradled Olivia and gently waved at Zachary, saying, “Quickly, let’s not waste time and start the surgery immediately.”

Time was ticking, and they had to act swiftly.

With an order from Alexander, Zachary dared not hesitate. He promptly led the specialists into the surgical room to provide full treatment for Amber.

They cleaned the throat wound, repaired the damaged nerves, and administered the Skyflower extract.

The entire process took about an hour, and the outcome was just as expected.

“A–Alex… Olivia…”

In the VIP intensive care room, Amber’s once–pale face bore a faint blush. Lying on the hospital bed, she looked at the father–daughter by her side. She could not help but weep, overwhelmed with joy.

It had been five years since that fateful day when Amber risked her life to save Alexander from a car accident, and she lost her sweet voice. It had turned hoarse, ultimately silencing her altogether and rendering her unable to speak.

At last, she could talk to her husband and daughter like a normal person. She could finally speak to release the emotions that had long been trapped within her.

“Alex, Olivia…” Amber choked on her emotions. Tears streamed down her face as she repeatedly called out their names.

the most important part

throwing herself into Amber’s embrace. Clinging to

Finally, Amber could speak as Alexander brought


duo with deep and unwavering affection.

daughter were the two people he was closest to in this

beauty and goodness the world had to offer, and he was determined to take them to

at her fondly and said, You’ve just had surgery. Even though your voice has been

It was impossible to express her feelings. It was the joy of regaining something thought forever lost, a miracle beyond imagination.

My throat has just recovered, and I—I want to go home. I want to go back and let my parents hear my voice. I want to make them happy and share my joy

extended his arm and firmly pulled Olivia into his embrace. His strong, steady arm supported Amber’s delicate

home, then!”


prepared in a glass in one go, unable to hide the

past six months, he and Susanne fully dedicated themselves to Chesire Group. Despite being constantly suppressed by Zoe and tasked

strategized, researched, and even socialized with clients.

After all, they secured the cooperation project with Ol‘ Mare’s Severn Group and

sign the contract, it’ll be a monumental achievement that Dad can see!” Susanne’s face was flushed with excitement, and she was on



Group was the cornerstone company under the Severn family, an elite family in Ol‘ Mare. Without Patrick and Suzanne’s tireless efforts, it would have been nearly impossible for a second–tier family like

was no exaggeration to say that signing this contract would significantly elevate the Chesire family’s opportunities, potentially pushing them

a chance to return to the family!” Patrick was thrilled, his heart burning with excitement.

birthday, and the second was the Severn Group’s general manager personally agreeing to cooperate with them.

was definitely a joyous day!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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