Chapter 10

Abby’s entire body went stiff when she heard someone opened the door and watched the king stepped inside. His aura and his presence were really intimidating, it made this room felt so tiny and narrow.

Abby lowered her head, she was trying to make herself small, as though by doing so, she could make the king not be able to see her. Of course, that was a crazy idea if something like that could actually happen.

“Are you eating well? Micah asked, he glanced at the tray, but there were still a lot of leftover. “You don’t like the food?”

Abby shook her head and quickly explained. “I already ate a lot. The food that was given to me was too much. I can’t finish all.”

“You can’t finish that all?” Micah narrowed his eyes at the tray of food. He couldn’t believe she ate very little, because that portion was the same portion for him, some time, he would eat more. “That’s not a lot.”

Abby gave disapproving look, but she lowered her head again, afraid she would make a mistake by giving the king such look.

“I am sorry.” Abby said timidly.

Micah closed his eyes. He sighed deeply before he knelt down in front of her and made Abby freaked out, since it considered very rude to sit higher than the king, more so, how she could let the king knelt down in front of her? She could be killed for this rude behavior.

However, Micah put his hands around her hips, steadied her so she wouldn’t be able to move. “Still. No. Still, Abby. Don’t move.”


“Can you please relax? You are very nervous around me. I don’t like it.”

“I am sorry…”

still, but it was clear to see that she was very uncomfortable in this position. “I have never heard someone apologized

“I am sorry…”

stern look and Abby immediately realized her mistake, she clamped her mouth. when she was

lot of things that we

the palace, she was so far from being the proper queen in



Chapter 10

the sacred bond for the king and her, but Micah still couldn’t figure

would be more difficult and complicated than his

had never been in this kind of

king will mate with someone like me..” Abby replied carefully, because

be my mate. I don’t have the answer for that. But, you must be the best woman for me to

be a mistake, you can’t have me as your mate,

chin to lift her head, so she could meet his cycs. “Why not, Abby?” He repeated

of this, but you should know what people in this pack



for her to say the word, he had his be dug more information about Abby and what the reason of her scar. He had not yet received a full report for that, but

with anger, he didn’t know what to do if he received full information about what

the king said it, she felt embarrassed, humiliated and wanted to cry,

nothing wrong with you. It’s them, not you. It’s fuck up for them to treat you like that when you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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