Chapter 22

Shifters were born with remarkable healing abilities, it was almost impossible for them to bear marks left by wounds, let alone scars. While the scars on Abby’s body actually extended from the left side of her neck to her left shoulder, further spanning to her back, covering a large amount of

skin on her back.

Any shifter who saw it could only imagine the severity of her wounds until it left such a huge mark.

Abby’s scars had always been a sour spot for her. That was also why she didn’t want the maids sent by Micah to serve her on a personal level. Only they wouldn’t listen to her no matter what she said and here she was, trembling out of embarrassment at their reactions seeing her scars…

“We are really sorry, we were just startled for a sec….” Alyssa started right after a terrified scream left her lips.

Reyna recovered almost immediately as well… But the damage was already done.

Abby couldn’t help but recall all those times people saw her as a freak, a monster, for bearing these scars. Their words, their faces, some filled with horror while others with disgust, all hit her so hard. the girl started shaking.

Her head started to hurt really badly while the two maids continued to apologize to her profusely.

However, not even two minutes later, she heard them stutter before one of them addressed the


Abby immediately stiffened. Tension rolled off her body as tears streamed down her face when Micah finally approached her and rearranged her clothes.

“It’s okay, little one,” Micah said in an apologetic tone. He was genuinely concerned about her.

However, Abby could only hear his sympathy for her and her heart broke even more as she sobbed softly. She wasn’t ready for him to see her like this. She knew she couldn’t hide it forever, but she wanted to, at least, mentally prepare herself first…

the question, knowing

he saw her. In broad

the way she asked the question was so heart wrenching, Micah immediately felt rage bubbling inside his chest. Only it was

Micah started when he saw her crying hard as she shook

on her own tears. She was beyond inconsolable and Micah felt his

first,” Micah said, pressing his lips to her forehead before bending down to carry her out of the

Wed, 6 Mar 8 D.

Chapter 22

strange place, far away from her pack, the

laid her down before joining her, trying to console her

crying for a long time, until she

Micah’s arms.

patiently patted her back while whispering how he didn’t find her scars bothering at all. But it was impossible to replace a decade long pain with a few words of reassurance. Micah knew that too, thus

woke up with a splitting headache, it was already late in the evening. She couldn’t find Micah anywhere

of them said in unison before one of them continued to talk

brought food and drinks,” the woman said before


from sleep, took a really long time


then, where were Alyssa

had to deal with so many

was tired but wouldn’t rest on time. He didn’t like this at all.

doze off, immediately stood


Micah couldn’t help but smile. Having someone to wait for yourself to come back was an all consuming

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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