Married in a Flash: Embarking on the Journey to Wealth


Chapter 1

The time was 4:27 pm. As was her usual routine, Aurelia was tidying her desk before her work hours ended.

She ignored her constantly buzzing phone beside her. The calls were probably from her boyfriend, Seth, about his failed proposal yesterday.

At 5:00 pm, Aurelia reached for her phone to clock out and one of the texts caught her attention. “Ms. Aurelia – you are indebted to the hospital for a total of 157,321.61 dollars. Please proceed to our finance counter to make your payment as soon as possible. For any inquiries, please call 87*****!!

Aurelia felt a sense of helplessness as she stared at her phone.

Depleted by the hospitalization expenses and faced with her mother’s incurable illness, Aurelia had no choice but to wait for the inevitable as her funds were exhausted.

It was her adoptive parents who had given her a new life when she was abandoned as a newborn infant. Her late father’s wish was for her to care for her mother.

How could she stand idly by in the face of her mother’s death?

With no other option available, Aurelia had tried to ask Seth for a loan. However, he declined her request, saying that he did not have that kind of money.

She didn’t want to force the matter. After all, he had only proposed to her. They weren’t officially married.

Yet, yesterday, he took to his social media to boast about his newly purchased car, which was worth over three hundred thousand dollars.

Aurelia had stared at the post in her social media feed, completely frozen for over a minute.

When she finally returned to reality, she immediately called him.

Without explaining, Seth began to talk nonstop.

“Aurelia, I bought the car intending to marry you. Consider the three hundred thousand dollars as my investment in our future. I paid one hundred thousand dollars in full, and the remaining two hundred and twenty thousand dollars are on loan. We’ll pay it off together after we get married.”

“Aurelia, once we’re married, let’s sell your parents‘ small house and buy a larger one. My

parents have lived in the code for too long. It’s time for them to enjoy city life. They’ve

raised me, and it hasn’t been easy. As a daughter–in–law, I hope you can understand.”

“Oh, and the property prices in Seacester are so high. We can use my salary to cover the mortgage, and your salary will be for our family’s living expenses. How does that sound? I’m being considerate of you. After all, you won’t have any relatives in the future. Marrying me means you become a part of the Martinez family. As a woman, you should be understanding and not dwell too much on things.


Aurelia was so furious that her entire body trembled.

It was within Seth’s rights to turn down her request for a loan. But then, he had the gall to target her adoptive parents‘ fortune while her mother’s life was hanging by a thread!

Even his plans for her family home were laid out so transparently that his intentions were clear as day.

It took Aurelia a full three minutes to collect herself, and with firm resolve, she turned down Seth’s seemingly charitable marriage proposal.

“Seth, let’s break up.”

It would be a lie for Aurelia to say that it didn’t hurt to break up with Seth who had been her boyfriend of three years but she was far from naive about his intentions now.

Parting amicably seemed to be the most sensible choice for her.

She was preoccupied with her mother’s medical expenses and had no time to argue with him.

Coming back from her reverie, Aurelia shook her head, attempting to dispel the unpleasant


her colleagues giving her peculiar looks as she exited

a clue why until she heard Seth’s

“Aurelia, over here.”

colleagues looked at her enviously as she turned to see Seth, looking sharp in a suit, holding a bouquet of roses, and leaning against

it were mocking her. All her emotional investment into their

new car.

smile, presenting the flowers to Aurelia in front of

us single folks endure something like

gasps echoed around

you a car. I hope my future boyfriend treats me

I love Aurelia


Aurelia remained silent.

angry, she

in search of opportunity, had proposed to Aurelia, her mother hadn’t requested any


Chapter 1

of her mother’s illness, Seth hadn’t inquired about her health throughout the time she was

him and he was aiming for her

and lied that he had spent 30,000 dollars on a car for her, leading others

they would criticize

the commotion, Aurelia sidestepped

smile faltered and he forcefully grabbed Aurelia’s

Don’t push your luck. There are

Aurelia should unconditionally embrace his apology, especially considering the effort he took

Aurelia felt an unusual sense of

ill. Initially, she thought she was fortunate to have a

at the flowers before her, Aurelia countered, “Seth, is the car really

and chuckled, “Of course. I’m your exclusive driver from. now on, no matter what

onlookers, especially the younger girls, were enchanted by the romantic scene, Aurelia poured cold water

whose name is on the car

Silence fell.

pursed his lips and

sensed something amiss and urged, “Seth, didn’t you buy the car for Aurelia? Show it to us. Let’s see whose name is on

turned ashen

but he insists on

toward him changed. Not wanting to embarrass himself, Seth awkwardly laughed, “She’s just kidding. We had

that, he scowled at

he warned, “Aurelia, don’t go too far. Besides me, who else would dare to marry someone

teeth, her almond–shaped eyes veiled

I won’t marry you or anyone like you. Since you don’t want

me to spare your



and I have broken

walked away towards the intersection without looking

angrily caught up with Aurelia, pulling her into the nearby parking

quits just because I won’t lend you a hundred grand? What about the three

only chalk it up

It’s precisely that hundred thousand dollars! I won’t marry you if

visit her mother in the hospital, Aurelia didn’t want

the horn of a car sounded beside


to go. Can you


seat, but the specially tinted glass made it impossible for

honked again, and she

the logo and license

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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