Chapter 20

After tasting the pasta, Leslie surprisingly felt his stomach rumble with hunger.

He thought that Aurelia, being a materialistic woman, wouldn’t be good at cooking. But actually, her cooking was quite good.

After finishing the pasta, Aurelia took the dishes back to the kitchen and then poured a glass of water for Leslie.

“Take the pill first, then have a sip of cough syrup before bed. Don’t drink water for half an hour after the syrup, or it won’t work. That should help you sleep more comfortably tonight.


Leslie paused as he looked at the pill and warm water handed to him. He seemed lost in thought.

While drinking water, he took a moment to glance at Aurelia. She was smiling softly, making her look really amiable.

She then said. “Mr. Synder, go to bed early after taking the medicine. Work is important, but not as important as your health”

After saying this, she realized she might have spoken too much. She quickly changed the subject and said. “I’m going to wash the dishes”

She then headed into the kitchen.

After taking the medicine. Leslie walked to the kitchen doorway. He looked at her busy figu thoughtfully and then turned around.

a cloth to wipe the table, she found that Leslie had already cleaned

she found herself thinking

manners and upbringing were impeccable. This made her feel less tense around

when Seth came to her house for a meal. He left the napkins he used to wipe his mouth on the table, expecting someone else to pick them up. Even though it was such a simple task to do

Aurelia immediately shook her head. She

for a shower. But when she entered the


now, Aurelia had no choice but to

decided to cook all the porridge she had bought. Of course, she

sick under her “care.”

the fridge was empty

to go grocery shopping after work today. I want to eat! I want

too happy. She didn’t notice someone was standing opposite her. Leslie caught every

watching her, she was frozen on the spot. She felt a bit awkward,

made him look tall and lean. The morning sun was soft

couldn’t help but be impressed by his quick recovery. Just yesterday, he was sick. But today, he looked

up early.” She composed herself and smiled

glanced at the steaming bowl of

light is better. I’ve made some for you too. I wasn’t sure when you’d wake up, so I haven’t served it yet. Just give me a

his tracks. A few seconds later, he realized that he had actually been distracted by

Aurelia brought out a bowl of

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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