Chapter 29

Liam sensed how good of an opportunity this was for the family.

He cleared his throat and asked, “Mia, do you like interior designing?”

“That’s right,” Mia replied. “That was my major at college. At the time, I really wanted a home of my own. Plus, it’s a well-paid career, so that’s why I chose it back then.”

After hearing that Mia made her choice partly because of money, Liam felt an ache in his heart. “From now on,

you have us. You don’t need to worry about money.”

“Well, I can’t rely on you guys forever. I got used to being independent a long time ago,” Mia said.

She didn’t dwell on Liam’s words. The two of them were currently in a car headed for the competition venue.

Liam calmly took out his phone and gave a report in the group chat. “I’ve got news. Dominic, Mia wants to join the Fleur International Design Competition your company’s organizing.”

Dominic shot back a reply. “Ask Mia if she likes being the winner.”

He was being serious.

Liam was speechless.

Dominic swiftly got someone to make all the necessary arrangements for the competition.

Just then, Eva piped up, “Honey, today’s the last day to register for the competition, right? When I asked the person in charge of the competition, he said the registration was closed a day early.

“If that’s true, Mia will be disappointed if she’s going to register for the competition today.”

Dominic frowned. “Who told them to change the registration period at the last minute?”

heard it was Maya who told them to move it up a day. It

the registration period until today. From now on, no one is

early. Even if it had passed weeks ago,

would make sure Mia got to register for

and Liam had taken a cab

around. After seeing one of the ones plastered outside, she said, “Liam, in the past, it was

Vista Properties?


company. However, Liam didn’t think there was any fun in being the president


work for a property developer. Why don’t you join the

convince Mia to join

about her dream for fear he would

I don’t think the entertainment

documents, Shelly came over. “I can’t believe

as she retorted, “Even you dared to

you ugly woman with a bunch of botched plastic surgery procedures,” Liam


if the shoe fits

a mask and a hat, but his tongue was as

Mia was going to

scoffed, “I suppose you haven’t found out yet, Mia. Well, the competition ended the registration period

handing in your registration

clearly stated that today’s

through the registration information. She was sure that the deadline

me, go ahead and try

she was in for a good show. She had spoken

the company that organized the competition, it was a piece of cake for Maya, his younger sister,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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