Chapter 15


Truly hypocritical.

Leslie’s gaze cooled. He gave a perfunctory “Mm,” attempting to bypass Aurelia.

Unexpectedly, as he turned, Aurelia placed her bag on the table, poured a glass of water, and handed it to him.

Simultaneously, she took away the red wine.

“It’s normal to encounter problems at work. You’re a capable person. There’s no need to pressure yourself so much. Drinking harms your body. Drink some water and go to bed early,” she advised.

Leslie stared at the water in his hand, glancing at Aurelia.

For the first time, someone spoke to him like this.

Everyone around him took his excellence for granted.

Feeling uneasy under Leslie’s gaze, Aurelia considered ending the conversation and going to bed.

Perhaps she had spoken too much?

Or should she change the topic and bid him good night?

She cleared her throat, “Goodnight.”

She immediately turned around.

alt dizzy

However, whether it was a sudden turn or due to excessive blood loss, she and stumbled directly into Leslie’s arms.

The cup of water in Leslie’s hand splashed, moistening his shirt.

The damp fabric stuck tightly to his body, outlining his well–defined abdominal muscles. through the material.

Aurelia instinctively reached out and braced herself against his chest.

“Mr. Synder, I…”

Just as she was about to explain, her forehead was gently pushed away by his long fingertips.

“Quit playing games.”

She was left speechless.

As her dizziness subsided, Leslie had already returned to the room.

She sneered. This man was truly devoid of common courtesy.

Back in the room, Aurelia collapsed onto the bed, her arm throbbing faintly.

turned her head and noticed bruises where

daughter being safe,


morning, Aurelia overslept

Chapter 15.

haste, Aurelia noticed Leslie

wash, only to find that the

a basin to

her way out, she called Zachary, explaining her intention

technology expo.

Zachary readily agreed.

had concluded, and it seemed she wouldn’t encounter Ian, the boss of One

already there, Aurelia decided to

expo was undoubtedly the most professional place in

the exhibition booths, approaching novel technologies to inquire

the restroom, she realized the expo hall was

she spotted mobile service robots moving

may I help you

is the women’s restroom?” Aurelia

one hundred meters straight ahead, turn


“You’re welcome.”

the robot’s workings

Aurelia exited the exhibition hall through a side


scene inside, Aurelia was so startled that she froze in

their backs to her. The crucial

and his face turned dark upon seeing

looking at?”

eyes with his slightly cold and damp

chilly and moist, Aurelia’s face

Chapter 15

when they were outside that Leslie

what a coincidence,” she stammered

think so,” Leslie coldly

a coincidental event could

him, deliberately creating

expected her to be so

his gaze, Aurelia understood his suspicion and

directions! I didn’t know you were inside. No,

spoke, her face turned even redder, as she really needed to use the

Synder… Wait

notebook to Leslie



Aurelia’s records about the technology


for her

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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