Chapter 17

The murmurs of laughter embarrassed Aurelia, yet she didn’t back down.

She glared at Kimberly and honestly replied, “I didn’t catch up.”

Kimberly laughed and glanced at Zachary, teasingly saying, “Didn’t catch up? Then why did you go to the technology exhibition so early? Aurelia, are you not using work hours for something else? I know your mother is seriously ill, and breaking up with your boyfriend is tough, but the boss and Zachary entrusted us with this important task because they value us. You can’t afford to be lost.”

Kimberly hinted that Aurelia neglected her duties, and Zachary’s brow furrowed deeply.

“Aurelia, where did you go?”

“To the technology exhibition.” Aurelia took out her phone directly to prove her innocence.” These are the pictures I took. I…”

She was about to say that she was with Leslie, but upon careful consideration, Leslie and she were married.

No one would believe they coincidentally met while working together.

Instead, it might implicate Leslie, arousing suspicions of nepotism.

Given that One Technology was currently one of the most influential companies in Seacester, entering ich a company wasn’t easy for Leslie either.

Aurelia couldn’t let Kimberly casually jeopardize him.

You could take a few hundred pictures like this without


company attaches great importance to this collaboration, and you should too. Otherwise, you’ll face embarrassment and witness how efficient someone like Kimberly

at Aurelia

Zeller, this

explanations, especially now that Zachary seemed

questioned, “Mr. Zeller, if I recall correctly,

perplexed as he


smile twitched at the

“Kimberly, what we’re doing

Chapter 17

puffed up with

her provocation, Aurelia faced Zachary. “Mr. Zeller. I only went to the technology exhibition today. I gained some

wanting to say something more, could only

get back

returned to

Kimberly’s taunts, returning to her

glared at Aurelia before settling down

Aurelia stretched lazily as she

her cubicle, she heard the sound of flowing

think will be the

must be Kimberly. She has connections and even knows the boss of One Technology and Mr. Lynch. Even Mr. Zeller praised her.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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