Chapter 21

“There’s 3,000 dollars in the card. It’s for our household expenses this month.”

Although Leslie had signed a cohabitation agreement, he didn’t want to take advantage of a woman. He could still afford the household expenses.

“3,000? For household expenses?” Aurelia was surprised and looked at Leslie.

“Which ordinary family spends 3,000 a month just on living expenses? Nowadays, some ordinary people don’t even earn 3,000 a month,” she thought.

“Is there a problem?” Leslie frowned. He thought Aurelia found the amount too little.

Aurelia thought for a moment. She felt that since Leslie had brought it up, she needed to make some things clear for their future life together.

“Mr. Synder, our cohabitation agreement states that we live together as a married couple until our marriage ends. So, I think I need to know how much my husband earns each month.”

“Around 3,000,” Leslie casually said, quoting the salary of an average company employee.

“Is this house fully paid or on a mortgage?” Aurelia looked around.

Leslie’s expression darkened. He felt she was pushing her luck. “Mortgage. The monthly payment is around 1,300 dollars.”

salary! Is this your salary card?”

bucks, and when the next paycheck rolled in, they barely had 20 or 30 dollars left. Forget about savings, just

to be a big spender. No wonder

and nodded slightly. “It’s my salary card.

“It’s better to spend money wisely. Ms. Linda is getting older, and you’re her only son. What if… I


was speechless. He looked at her and felt puzzled. “Is she asking about

emergencies. I’ll contribute half of this amount. After deducting your mortgage and setting aside some

that, Aurelia continued eating the porridge. But Leslie kept staring at her. She asked, “Do you want

Chapter 21

to reality and calmly picked up his bowl. Then, he replied,


breakfast, Aurelia realized she was running late. She quickly got up and grabbed her bag. Then, she

remember to wash the

you say?” Leslie paused while eating his

asked him to wash

She said, “Mr. Synder, according to the cohabitation agreement’s fifth clause, we share household chores equally. I made breakfast, so is it a problem if you do the dishes? You were sick yesterday, so

a woman asked him if

left, Leslie finished his breakfast and took

a call from Daniel came. “Boss, where are you? Didn’t you ask me

the international headquarters today. They have many things

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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