Chapter 23

Once Leslie entered One Technology, he saw everyone in a panic.

He glanced at Daniel. “What’s the matter?”

Daniel said cautiously, “All the employees received an email this morning. It contained intimate photos of Mr. Lynch and Young Advertising’s planner. Everybody said Mr. Lynch betrayed the company for a woman.”

Leslie frowned and stretched out his hand coldly. “Email.”

Daniel handed over the tablet without delay.

Leslie recognized the woman in the photos as Aurelia at a glance.

Aurelia was still concerned about his illness in the morning. Leslie couldn’t believe she kissed another man behind his back.

He had underestimated her!

With a snapping sound, the tablet screen cracked.

Daniel freaked out, saying, “Mr. Synder, I will delete it immediately.”

Leslie said coldly, “Can you delete the memory of the people who have seen it?”

Daniel shook his head.

“Get Mr. Lynch!”

today. His

“Summon him back!”

tightened his grip. The tablet in his hand was completely

Aurelia had only begun

hadn’t expected her to sell

Seemingly in the eye

nod, he quickly

panted and

Synder, I’ve

there nothing between you

swear!” Jason raised his hand

did you do

his head. “Which

think?” Leslie’s fingers tapped on

for a moment. He immediately understood what

intimidate Ms. Simmons. But she didn’t take the

still have ointment on it. She was

On the back was a

and straightened

you say that she has been


shrug her off. She claimed to have no boyfriend, but I saw with my own eyes she got out of


cold as if he had heard

told me she was married once she sat down. She even

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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