After seeing Stella, Keegan was no longer in the mood to discuss business. He did not stay for long and left soon after.

Just as Vermont returned to the lobby, he saw Andrew coming downstairs. Vermont looked around and asked, “Where’s Dusk Galaxy? Why didn’t she come down with you?”

“She left a while ago. Didn’t you see her downstairs?”

Vermont was confused.

He peered at the front desk. The receptionist whispered, “She’s the one who just came out of the elevator. The one who looked exceptionally pretty and nodded at you.”

Vermont was stunned.

‘Stella Jewell is Dusk Galaxy?! The world looks a little magical now. Keegan’s for-show wife—the parvenu who’d occasionally show off her riches and love life on social media—is actually a top-tier voice actor. So, Keegan spent money to snatch his wife’s job and gave the job to Bella? This is…spicy!’ he thought.

Seeing Vermont’s expression, Andrew frowned. “You’re squinting your eyes again. Who are you trying to set up?”

Vermont smiled.

“It’s a secret.”

‘Keegan Kane, you impotent son of a bitch! Who wants your stupid bracelet? Save your money and use it to see a doctor! I don’t want it!’ Stella thought.

The more Stella thought of the man’s words, the angrier she felt. While scrolling through her phone, she suddenly saw the fertility clinic’s slogan on the application homepage. She paused momentarily before booking an appointment.

Right after she finished filling out her information, her phone rang.

Stella glanced at the incoming caller ID and subconsciously frowned. Then, she took her time before accepting the call.

“Hey, dad.”

“Where are you?”

Albert wanted, so she lied, “I’m at a private lesson.

white truffles. Doesn’t your mother-in-law like

know what I like. Yet, he knows what my mother-in-law likes. How ironic is that?’


hearing Stella agree. He asked her a few perfunctory questions and

the marriage dowry the Jewell family gave her, costing nearly a million. After changing its bumper,

I get a divorce, I’ll probably only get this car,’

could not help but

can’t stab him in the chest, I’ll stab him in the wallet!’ she thought

last-minute private lesson to make

in the evening before

arrived at the door, she composed herself and

the adopted daughter

she said happily. Then,

last minute, so

She grumbled slightly, “Then, why didn’t you say

glanced over Sophia’s dolled-up look and countered, “You’re all dolled up tonight. You got

She vaguely responded, “No. I was just

entered the house. Sophia gritted her

prepare many dishes. In the end, only Stella came. Naturally, Albert did

at Stella and

Albert could not tell if she was telling the truth. Moments later, he

breathed a sigh

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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