“What are you daydreaming about?”

The front desk was knocked on twice by a handsome-looking man with his elbows on the reception counter. The man raised his chin with a half-smile and said, “Did I pay you to daydream?”

He was Vermont Snyder, the owner of Neon Nebula. The receptionist knew Vermont very well, so she was not a bit afraid of him. “Boss, you’re often nowhere to be seen.”

“Heh. You sharp-tongued thing!”

Vermont was just about to flirt with the receptionist, but an untimely cough came from behind. He paused for a second and immediately retracted his flirtatious expression. “Where is Andrew? Get him down here,” he sounded serious.

“Mr. Keen is auditioning another artist,” the receptionist answered.

“Audition?” Vermont was stunned. “Dusk Galaxy is here?”

The receptionist nodded. A glint of joy and surprise flashed in Vermont’s eyes. As soon as he turned around, facing sullen-looking Keegan, he immediately suppressed his expression and ordered the receptionist with a straight face, “Give him a call. I need to ask him about something.”

The call was put out for a while and then connected. Vermont turned on the speaker and said, “Andrew, how is the audition? If it’s not successful, I have an artist here. Her voice is not bad.”

“That won’t be necessary. We auditioned that person, and the contract is already signed.” Actually, the contract was not even drafted, which meant Andrew clearly heard Vermont’s hints.

Vermont was completely at ease. He said pretentiously, “Signing someone is an important matter, and you didn’t even discuss it with me?! Who is the boss here?”

The other side directly hung up the call. Vermont cursed, “Andrew Keen is getting more insolent!” After saying that, he turned around and spoke to Keegan in resignation, “You heard him. The contract is signed. Let’s wait for the next update. If there is a suitable role, we’ll sign her up for it.”

most promising project. Vermont would

Vermont. “I will pay that person double the charges for the penalty of breaking the contract. Let her give up on this role, and I will give you a three-percent cut for

stared at Keegan for a few seconds before he asked, “You

speak, his eyes had made

with resources. I’m starting to suspect that the internet rumors are

Vermont’s decision. “Is that a

about it,” Vermont

Keegan still wanted to say something, the door

a second when their gazes met. Meanwhile, Stella only paused for half a second before she evaded his line of sight. After she came out of the elevator, she politely nodded at Vermont before walking

hesitantly said, “Did your wife not notice

after Stella. When he was outside, he saw

was slim, and her hair was tied into a soft, low ponytail. She slightly dipped her head to look at her phone and did not pay the

here?” The interrogating voice was filled with

ruined Stella’s mood, so her tone was also laced with harshness. “If

lightly, “You’re not done playing

she snarled inwardly,

Keegan was even more certain about his speculation. His mood had unexpectedly turned slightly better. However, his tone was still cold. “If you want to know my schedule, you should just call and ask me.

Who is stalking you? I stalked you

listening in secret, could not help but

look and shot Vermont a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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