Chapter 11

Her father, stepmother, and Evelyn looked at each other hesitantly.

Her stepmother was about to curse and start pounding on the door, but her husband caught her hand. “Let it go.”

Her father shrugged. “Come, let us leave. Perhaps the man was released from prison as well! There are all kinds of people in prison. Who knows why this man had been sentenced to jail?”

Hearing this, Evelyn and her mother exchanged a glance. “Then shall we just let it go?”

Her father hesitated for a moment and said, “Let’s wait. If Assistant Director Curtis holds Evelyn accountable in the future, then we’ll think of other ways.” He didn’t have the courage to come in and challenge the man now.

Evelyn frowned. “Had the man just now … really been in prison?” Although she could not see very clearly since the man’s hair was longer on top, she could still notice that he was good-looking.

Particularly for some reason, she felt that the man looked somewhat familiar as if she had seen him somewhere before.

Or was this man also a member of the entertainment circle?

In the apartment, Grace looked at Jay and said, “Thank you.” If Jay had not come back, she would have been beaten by her father just now.

“Don’t thank me for the help, Sister. Isn’t it what I should do?” He pointed at her ankle. “It hasn’t healed yet. I’ll apply the Safflower Oil for you.”

The routine of removing her sock and shoes, rubbing in the oil, and wrapping her foot took several minutes. The whole time, he didn’t say a word.

Grace bit her lip and finally said, “Why didn’t you ask me what those three came here for?”

“I won’t ask if you don’t want to tell,” he said.

“Actually, it’s nothing difficult to say. They are my father, stepmother, and half-sister,” Grace said. “But now, they are no longer my problem.”

After hesitating for a moment, she asked again, “Didn’t you have anything else to ask?”

in front of

eyes. “What do you wish me

kind of strange silence under the

was swallowed by shame and that was something she’d have to contend with for the rest of her life. She was innocent, but that didn’t

drunk driving and killing a person, Jay. I was released not

change their attitude when they heard that. After her release, as long as people around her knew that she had been in prison, they would treat her with prejudice and deliberately keep a distance

she was


reaction, for him to say something or judge her with his beautiful eyes, she felt as edgy as she had while awaiting the

still concentrating on massaging her


should I mind?” he asked in response. “As you said, from now on, we only need to care about each other, and there


a total stranger,

her only family, who should’ve loved her

heavy burden. “Jay, I

his eyes, but it was gone

specifically visited Grace’s apartment. When she saw Jay, she could not associate him with the homeless person that was

groaned and ultimately

It was true.

looked good. Even in the cheap pants and sneakers and jacket more suited to an old man, there was no hiding his tall frame or strong muscles. His bone structure was too perfect, the kind of polished good looks that only came


a handsome man.

but if her friend had anything negative to say, they’d be the last words on the matter. Just

is a homeless person who has no place to live? Seriously. I can’t believe it. He can be a star or model just

ones are suitable to be

circles. That took a certain personality and drive.

her eyes. Wasn’t Lina worried before that Jay would do something evil to her? Now, she seemed to worry that she would do

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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