Chapter 32

Grace had not been expecting to come across Lily again so quickly.

Lily looked the same as when Grace had met her for the first time all those years ago.

She was tall and thin in the way only actresses could be. Her skin had a perfect glow. Meticulously applied makeup, haute couture clothes, expensive designer handbag…

She looked every bit the actress and fiancee to one of the richest men in the city.


If not for either of those things, she was still the only daughter of the Atkinson family and a socialite in her own right.

Even then, when Lily permitted others to rip out her nails, she was still dressed exquisitely. Her expensive and branded clothes stood out in the dark prison.

She looked so radiant and glamorous, then. And now.

It was also this city socialite, highly esteemed by everyone else, who’d made it her goal to see Grace tortured and abused. There was a moment when Grace understood Lily’s plight. Jennifer, Lily’s sister, had died. But it was an accident!

close to

to be so vengeful, so focused on hating Grace at every turn, even years later, it made

Grace had been unrepentant. But that wasn’t the case. She deeply regretted the

immediately sneered. “I was wondering who this is. Isn’t she the perpetrator who killed Jennifer? This sure is karma. I

complexion paled and she remained silent. She lowered her head and continued to sweep up the rubbish that

said. “If it were me who had killed someone’s sister, I’m afraid I would cry bitterly as I knelt down and begged for

and said, “I’ve already paid the price.” She held the broom in front of her, a physical barrier to encourage these two women to keep

a government building-bul government officials could be bought, as she’d learned in the course of her trial and when she’d been tricked into delivering

years over an unwarranted accusation and my

in jail and could only be a

shit job. Big deal. You’re alive, aren’t you? While Jennifer is dead!”

think you’ve paid the price? It was only three years in prison and you think that’s the price?” Lily

Everything I’ve worked for was taken from me. Did you come here to gloat? I can now say that I have nothing to my name, and therefore

messy head to the bottom cuffs of

years’ time, the woman’s originally dark and long hair had withered

still recall the first time she had met Grace and had been surprised by her hands. They were smooth and fair, and the

pair of hands were currently not holding a high-quality fountain pen but

have not been completely crippled!”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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