“What’s going on, Cheryl? Tell me what happened!” Wendell asked.

“Cousin! You came at just the right time. These two beggars are causing trouble and it’s affecting our hotel’s image…”

The supervisor pointed at Iris and Leon with a contemptuous expression.

Wendell looked in the direction of Cheryl’s finger and immediately saw Iris.

His first glance elicited awe, for he was captivated by Iris’s beautiful face and noble temperament.

On his second glance, his expression changed greatly, and beads of cold sweat began appearing on his forehead!

Iris seldom appeared in public, and few of those who were not within the circle of rich or powerful individuals knew what she looked like.

Wendell was never qualified to know Iris, but since the Youngs’ business spanned many industries, they would usually entertain VIP guests or major customers of the company by arranging a stay for them at The Sovereign Hotel.

It was by sheer fortune that Wendell was able to meet Iris once before, so he knew Iris’s identity at a glance!

At this moment, Wendell was so frightened that his legs went weak, and he almost fell to his knees.

She was not the kind of person he could afford to offend.

you going to hurry up and chase those two beggars away!” Cheryl went so far


furious Wendell slapped

slap, Cheryl staggered and


covered her cheek with one hand and was

who this is? This is Iris Young! The

at Cheryl fiercely and

cousin, which led her to bully some of the lower-ranked attendants in the hotel because she was connected

sake of their relatives, but Cheryl caused some serious

the Youngs’ influence in Springfield City, he would be made to suffer alongside Cheryl if

THE Iris

Cheryl was dumbfounded.


almost certainly rip

her knees went weak. She

you. Please find

with fright and

Iris’s expressionless face. He

her teeth and started slapping herself. She continued to slap herself even harder as she said, “I’m sorry. I’m so, so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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