“If I hadn’t come here, I wouldn’t have discovered that you’re raising some uncultured man at home!” the middle-aged man reprimanded coldly.

“Who are you calling uncultured?! Why do you have to say something so hurtful? Leon’s my friend. Nothing is going on between us!”

Iris showed her displeasure.

“Are you honestly telling us there’s nothing between you two when you touched him like that? Who are you fooling? Can’t you have a little dignity during the day, Iris? You might as well just get it on in the yard!” the gorgeous woman smiled sarcastically.

“It’s none of your business! I can do whatever I want, and you have no right to order me around!”

Iris glared at her, and the animosity between them was already starting to intensify.

“Gilbert, look at her! She’s being cheeky, and rude!”

The gorgeous woman shook the arm of the middle-aged man with a pretentiously pouty expression.

Daisy is still your mother. How can you talk to her with that kind of

little wench who slept her way to being your wife.

a wench!” the delicate


furious and he raised his

ahead! No one in the family cares about me since Mom died. Grandpa’s the only

had a stubborn expression

“How dare you…”

with anger. He focused all his attention on Daisy and her son over the years, and he retracted his hand when he thought of

time that you consider marriage, Iris, and I have no objections if you have a boyfriend! However, given the background of our family, you should at least get

“Take a good look at this man. His clothing is just about as tattered as a beggar’s! Is he the kind of man that is fit to be your

friend, not my boyfriend!

Iris was incredibly unhappy.

What else could he be if he isn’t your boyfriend? Do you take me and your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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