Chapter 4

Sabrina quickly handed the box to Natalia. “Here you go.” She then turned around and glared at Hector, feigning anger

“Hey why the favoritism? Why does Natalia get cookies and we don’t?” Sabrina’s short, wavy hair bounced as she stared at Hector with her twinkling eyes.-

Hector watched as Natalia took the box and put it in her backpack, his heart filled with joy as she smiled up at him. He affectionately took Natalia’s hand, then turned back to Sabrina, “When you find your Mr. Right, he’ll be the one to give you cookies”

“Ugh, could you not flaunt your relationship so blatantly? Lexi pretended to grumble

Ignoring the playful banter, Hector took Natalia by the hand and left the front gate of the school, “Come on, Natalia, I’ll walk you home”

“Hector, you don’t have to Don’t you have basketball practice? We have a game next week Natalia blushed as Hector pulled her along.

“Practice isn’t as important as walking you home. Natalia, I’ll be graduating in a year When you graduate, do you want to join me?”

The six–foot two Hector was the dream boy of every girl in their school, but he only had eyes for Natalia. Ever since she stepped foot into the school a year ago, he had been pursuing her relentlessly. Six months later, Natalia finally reciprocated his feelings and agreed to be his girlfriend From then on, the two began a passionate romance in school. Due to jealousy, the other girls refused to talk to Natalia, only Lexi and Sabrina remained her close friends.

The three of them swore to be sisters for life, sharing both the good times and the bad.

the Clarkson family home. “Go on in, Natalia. See you tomorrow” Hector leaned down to give Natalia a quick peck

smile as bright as the sunshine. A sweetness filled her heart, a feeling she hadn’t felt before she met him.

enter the house, Hector finally turned and left.

sister sitting on the couch. She greeted

was about to head upstairs to do her homework, Addison called out, “Natalia, come here. I have something to discuss

her backpack and took a seat opposite Addison, who was looking at her with a calculating gaze. “Natalia, how long have you been living in this house? How do you feel about living here?” Addison asked, her eyes never leaving Natalia’s face. Natalia’s beauty only

fifteen years. I feel good about living here, Mom.” Natalia replied, her

at her, “You’re lying! You’ve obviously been struggling in this house, yet you say you’re doing well. Natalia, there is

“Mom, I only

take her to the States. But that was two

I have decided to marry you off to the Andersen family. You will be the future Mrs. Andersen! This way, you will no longer have to live a difficult

face expressionless. Next to her, Kendra’s face was filled with

supposed to marry into the Andersen family?” Natalia asked, taken aback.

the one to be married off, but she has kindly given up this wonderful marriage to you. You will replace Kendra as the bride, and you will

one the Andersen family wants to marry Natalia was confused and anxious. What did they plan

marry whether you like it or not,” Kendra finally spoke up. “Can you hear me? This wonderful marriage was given to you by me, so you should be grateful In one week, it will be the day the

sat there in shock, watching Kendra’s

sake of us raising you, don’t resist. And don’t tell your father about

to marry Kendra, not me. I still need to go to school, and besides, Kendra and Mr. Lucius Andersen are in love.”

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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