Chapter 12

With a slight turn of his head, Magnus curtly spoke, “If you don’t want to, then get out!”

“Alright… Il go read now” Natalia was taken aback. Having been around this man for a few days, she’d begun to understand his volatile temperament.

It was just a massage, right? She would leam, she would do anything to prevent her father being targeted because of her She knew that one day he would find out that she wasn’t her sister, but she hoped that day would come later, at least giving her time to do something for her father Moreover, would this man kill her if he discovered she wasn’t her sister?

She picked up a book and started reading. She was engrossed in the content. She had always loved reading and was quickly deeply absorbed in

the book

Magnus sat there, looking at the documents in his hand. He glanced up and saw Natalia engrossed in her book

Dressed in a sky–blue dress, her delicate hands were turning the pages, and her long eyelashes were trembling slightly. She looked like a high school student, appearing even smaller as she sat in the large chair

His heart felt restless Could a high–society lady like her really be so engrossed in such a book? Was she pretending, or was it genuine? He really couldn’t tell.

Yet, each time he looked up to see her in the corner, his heart stirred with an indescribable emotion.

For nine years, he had never shown his true self to anyone. He’d been able to stand on his own two feet three years ago, yet he still sat in a wheelchair In order to avoid suspicion from the Andersen Corporation and Lucius, he pretended to be disabled, all with the aim of reclaiming what was rightfully his and avenging the incident that had caused his injury!

Over the years, his life had been a constant struggle. As Chase had pointed out, he had never been with a woman, not even in his thoughts

went to great lengths to find him During those lonely days, she was like a ray of sunlight, brightening his entire life. He finally agreed to her request. But in the second year, he drove her away. He went to France to

later, still in a wheelchair, the girl had never

with James and others, had quietly expanded their influence. Now, he was

about to marry

requested his grandfather to let him take over the arranged marriage. He wanted to strike Lucius

and put the book on the chair She walked over “Mr. Magnus, should I pour you

standing in

large blue eyes glistened with unshed tears. This face couldn’t be compared to a high–society lady’s There wasn’t a trace of arrogance or pampering, only caution and


gentle, and his

when he discovered that she wasn’t her sister, he wouldn’t

the study, went downstairs, and

steaming cup of tea was served, Magnus was still lost in thought. If she wasn’t Lucius‘ woman, perhaps he would slowly cultivate her into his

your tea is ready. You’ve been sitting all

use She placed the tea

his leg. After

just quietly watched as Natalias small hands massaged his

was too slight, and it felt more like tickling than massaging

and they were hot. She pressed harder, and Magnus felt a tingle all over his body.

him. She



never been touched by a woman, let alone received a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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