Chapter 4
‘Everyone knows that Nolan is a VIP who the royal family of Stoslo once received, and he’s also friends with the princess of Stoslo. It’s only natural that he’s seen the commemorative medal of the royal family. He’ll see through her tricks even if she were to be able to show him something!’ 

Maisie scoffed. “Why would I show you such a precious item?”

This implied that she was unworthy!

Willow was trembling from the wrath, but there was still a smirk on her face. “Does this mean that you don’t have the guts to do so?

“Just look at her, Nolan. She’s a liar. She clearly knew that you were once received by the royal family and would recognize the medal. That’s why she doesn’t dare to take it out.” Willow’s attitude toward Nolan was totally different.

Nolan’s thin lips were raised coldly. “The payment of $150,000,000 is my idea. Hiring Zora as our designer is also my idea. Hence, I’ll let today’s affair slide if you can prove that you’re indeed Zora.

“But if you were to fail to do so…” Nolan approached Maisie and uttered word by word, “You won’t survive another day in Bassburgh.”

A faint fragrance coming from a cologne stunned Maisie when Nolan approached.

‘It’s Gucci cologne!’

‘Why is he applying the same cologne as the man from that night six years ago?’

Looking at her pale face, Nolan straightened his posture and did not provide her with another chance. “Since you can’t prove it, then leave by yourself. Don’t make me ask someone to chase you out.”

Willow sneered triumphantly.

‘Maisie, oh, Maisie. It’s been six years, why even bother to come back here just to dig your own grave?’

Maisie lifted her head abruptly and smiled brightly. “Sir, are you sure about that?”

Nolan squinted as he stared at her silently.

“Sir, then what would you do about the slap that I just took cheek-on from Miss Vanderbilt if I can prove my identity?”

Willow’s expression changed again as she glanced at Nolan cautiously.

Although she was now Nolan’s lover, he had not even touched her throughout all these years. If it weren’t for her flawless scheme and her choice to reserve the room with her own ID from six years ago, he would have doubted her since long ago.


her to apologize to

her head.

dimmed slightly. “Then what do you have in

her eyes. “We’re all born and raised in a country of etiquette and courtesy, and we uphold the teaching of returning gifts. So don’t you think that I should slap

did not dare to speak. They were

make such a promise to Mr. Goldmann,


woman is the first person in Bassburgh who dares to speak to me with

split second, he opened his lips with slight embarrassment. “You,

things slide so easily.” Maisie took the medal out and showed it

then placed the medallion back in her bag and walked away

and gnashed her

How could

Nolan poached from Luxella through his own name. I wouldn’t be able to offer the price if he hadn’t offered the

expected that the designer turned out

embarrass Nolan while I treated

“Nolan, I…”

them around his arm. However, he retracted it away from her, turned around, and glanced at Willow indifferently.


was waiting for

sitting in the front passenger seat after getting into the car. “I want all the information you can get

At Seaview Villa…

Willow Vanderbilt is really

together with Waylon, and stared at the computer monitor. They looked at the woman being displayed on the monitor with the

glanced at his younger brother and sister.

hand. “But what are we going to

of a way to hide

tell us that

man’s name according to Godmother?” Daisie looked

name on the keyboard, and the

in place for a long time as soon as they saw Nolan’s photo when Colton clicked on Nolan’s information. “This man… Why does he look so much like

was very surprised as he stared at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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