If one could turn back time, Stefan was willing to risk everything to return to that night three months ago.

That night, on the streets of New York, the two brothers were assaulted as they were chatting about the family’s future. Tristan had selflessly protected Stefan using his body and took a bullet for him.

Moments before his death, Tristan mentioned that he had a girlfriend who he loved deeply, Briar Desrosiers. Moreover, Briar had just conceived their child.

“Marry Briar and live on in my stead. Please… give them a complete family.”

Stefan couldn’t possibly forget how his brother’s bloody hands held onto him, begging him with despair consuming him whole.

Stefan would surely push his brother away if he could turn back time, as it would have been better if he had died instead.

Hearing his answer, Briar continued with her pitiful act nonetheless. “Not only have you upset your father for me and the baby’s sake, but you’ve also hurt Miss Everheart in the process! I feel really bad… This isn’t going to work out!”

“I’ll be fine as a single mother. I may be a woman, and life may get tough sometimes, but… I don’t mind enduring it all to protect Tristan’s only child!”

‘Hehe, playing the damsel in distress always works on men. I refuse to believe that Stefan doesn’t feel the urge to protect me now.’

Stefan remained hostile, even going as far as to inch away from Briar. “My father

for Renee Everheart…” Stefan paused for a brief while before continuing his sentence. “We never had an actual relationship. We’ve never even done anything physical throughout the four years of our marriage. I would’ve

then? She must love you very much, doesn’t she? You’re a great man and a very handsome

experienced seductress, she merely wanted to fool around with the honest man, Tristan, and keep him hanging for a bit longer.

real thing. Briar immediately cleaned up

doesn’t love

been so excited about the divorce,’ Stefan thought to

felt much less worried, thinking. ‘Looks like the rumors are true, they don’t love each other. It might not even be a stretch to say that they hated the sight of

could she not love you? I’m not complaining, though, because now that I have someone

the woman’s words and he tugged on

getting late.

asked. “Isn’t this your house?

dismissively. “I stay


so that

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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