When Stefan regained consciousness, he realized that he was already laying on a hospital bed, his head wrapped in white gauze.

Renee remained by his side the entire time. It was only upon seeing his eyes open did she let out a sigh of relief.

However, she sounded distant regardless. “Since you’re up, I’ll be leaving now.”

In actuality, she worried for the man, but she didn’t want him to find out.

Before she left, she felt him grab her wrist.

“Are you alright? Did they do anything to you?” Stefan asked weakly.

Despite his condition, his beautiful eyes remained sharp as it scanned Renee’s entire body.

The woman returned his concern with a cold smile. “Thanks for worrying, Mr. Hunt. But you should worry about yourself first, especially with that strength of yours. I’m completely fine!”

She had loved this man for four years. Once upon a time, she wished for him to show concern toward her as well, even if it were just empty words.

Now, she no longer needed his love…

surprise, Stefan dismissed her cold attitude towards him and was stupefied. “Those people were thugs, weren’t they? How did you even escape from

froze up. She couldn’t confess that she had beaten them into the

something was off, Stefan stared into her eyes. He didn’t think

her mind. Keeping her cool, she

they heard that you’re the heir to the most powerful family in the city, they were so scared that they begged for forgiveness on their knees. Then

out the Hunt family name was truly considered a trump card since no

believable enough that

figure, feeling conflicted as he remembered how

is useful in situations like these, why didn’t you use it from


don’t foolishly reason with them. I’m sure it’d be quicker to

and wondered. ‘What does he

Hunt, do you know how many children die of starvation each

how much money do the beggars in

how much the sea level

does that have to do with

would my business have to

Stefan’s expression

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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