Chapter 32

“With who now?” Renee couldn’t understand a single thing Leia was saying. She didn’t really take Leia’s screaming seriously, since she had always been quite dramatic.

“With Stefan Hunt!” Leia screeched. “Girl, if you really slept with him, I’m going to be so disappointed in you I know I used to support the two of you, but that cretin crossed the line! Didn’t you say you wanted to “divorce him? How could you sleep with him?!”

Leia was only angry out of concern for her best friend. She didn’t want Renee to get hurt again.

“Who said I did that?” Renee felt awkward, realizing Leia must’ve watched the livestream from last night.” It was all just for show. Sure, we might have kissed, but I also got to slap him as compensation.”

Renee didn’t find the kiss much of a sacrifice, as it was great being able to slap Stefan across the face.” Damn, that felt so satisfying!”

“Oh, so you slapped him… Nice one, Ren!” Leia exclaimed, then turned serious again. “But that’s still not a good enough reason to sleep with him! Be honest with me though, did you really not sleep with him last. night? You were seen heading home together… Wait, is he next to you right now?!”

“Ew, Leia, don’t be ridiculous!” Renee scoffed, but she didn’t remember heading home with Stefan at all… That’s why she was speechless when she saw the pictures published in the article that Leia sent.

the both of them had returned to Sunup Residence. Although they weren’t exactly heading in together, it looked like


had only two units, and Liam had personally chosen the location for her. The woman had never revealed her address to anyone else, as she

always cherished her privacy.

was only one

jerk!” Renee felt chills run down

Leia, she immediately dialed Stefan’s number to confront

calling?” Stefan’s husky voice sounded rather

yell. “Stefan Hunt, how disgusting can you get? Do you really have that much time on your hands? How are you any different from a perverted predator?! You know, I

“What on Earth are

mentioned that you didn’t leave Sunup Residence, even after an entire night! Are you still hiding somewhere? Are you trying to spy on me?! I’ve finally seen your true colors, Hunt! That elegance, coldness, and modesty is all fake! You’re

Sunup Residence?” Stefan ignored her insults, focusing

is as stubborn as a mule! Why is he still pretending when he’s

Ding dong! Ding dong!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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