Chapter 9

Suzanne raised a hand to stop Lucas from speaking further. “That’s enough. You don’t need

to leave.”

She wasn’t petty enough to make someone lose a job they loved over such a small matter.

Thrilled, Lucas thanked her gratefully. “Thank you so much, Madam. I truly appreciate it. I’m at your service from now on, no matter what you need me to do.”

Uncomfortable, Suzanne handed him Nathan’s watch. “There’s no need to be so dramatic. Just help me return this to Nathan.”

“Sure.” Lucas took the watch from her.

Suzanne asked, “Are there any train stations or airports nearby?”

Lucas was dismayed. “Are you going to leave?”

Suzanne forced a bitter smile and nodded. She couldn’t stand watching Nathan’s affection for another woman any longer.

After all, she wasn’t a masochist.

She planned to explain everything to Nathan’s grandmother, Vera Cross, and end this marriage.

After a moment’s hesitation, Lucas said, “Let me take you there tomorrow, Madam. It’s a six

-hour drive to Phoenicia.

stiffly. Her

the training ground in a

evening sun lit everything in a rosy hue.

time reading away in her room and had skipped lunch. Now, it was almost time for dinner.

stepped out and walked toward

there, she bumped into Nathan, who

greeted her in unison. “Madam.”




was as distant as usual. “Lucas said


to living

bitter smile and made up a random excuse. “I

expression hardened, and his tone turned sharp. “Are you planning to discuss our divorce

she didn’t hide it from him. She said anxiously, “It must have been hard for you to

three years. Shouldn’t you know her personality by

get divorced and pretend

his two subordinates listening closely. Countless women in the world would die to be

marry me

Suzanne froze.

stung by his words. She unconsciously clenched her fists,

a person did he think she was?

e put

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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