The Wrong Woman

Chapter 21

Chapter 21

The car ride lasted an hour.

Nathan brought Suzanne to the entrance of Imperial Heights.

It was a villa area where the most important people of Norvania lived, such as the country’s leaders, generals, officials, scientists, engineers, astronauts, or key people under protection. Nathan stopped the car. Then, he told Suzanne, “Get out of the car first.”

Suzanne was shocked as she looked at the words “Imperial Heights” carved on the entrance. She finally realized that Nathan had brought her to a place where normal people would

never be able to enter.

She started to feel nervous. Then, she unbuckled the seatbelt, got out of the car, and walked over to Nathan’s side.

Two soldiers who were on guard duty approached them. One of them took the ID that Nathan handed them and glanced at it.

Then, they saluted him. “Good day to you, General Morrison.”

Nathan nodded.

The soldiers took out some advanced scanning technology and checked the car.

After the scan, they gestured for Nathan to enter. “You may enter, General Morrison.”

here from now on. Please

She waved her hand and refused. “There’s no need

soldiers had already


doing a retinal scan, so it’ll be more convenient when you go in and out of here.”

chance to refuse. The soldiers walked her through

felt a little helpless as she got

grounds of Imperial Heights. Throughout the entire journey,



the gates of

as she entered the living room. The villa didn’t look as luxurious as the Morrison Residence. However, the decor was grand and

place of a television, there were shelves filled with books. There were probably thousands of different

liked the design of

and Sally’s room are on the second floor. There are several guest rooms on the first floor. Feel

He almost lost control of himself when he thought about the hug that morning

if they just

She came back to

the two of them had

his wife to his mistress‘ home. It was very humiliating for her.

felt insulted. She said bitterly, “I shouldn’t stay here. Sally will be mad if

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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