Twins in Her Womb: Sir President, Please be Gentle by Heap Heap

Chapter 23 Judging A Homewrecker With Her Own Eyes

There were many things the boy still did not understand, so he stood at the bathroom door and waited for his father to come out after his shower.

When Luke emerged from the shower, he only had a towel around his waist. He was completely shirtless, his well-toned chest glistening with sexy water droplets. 2

"Dad, I'm sure Miss Bea has parents too, so why do you have to raise her?" Blanche could not figure that part out. 2

Luke sat down, spreading his legs and wiping his dripping hair with his towel. He asked, "How old are you? How old is she?"

"Hmm, I'm five..." Blanche replied. "But I don't know how old she is."

Luke looked at his son and replied seriously, "You’re five and she's twenty- four. You two are nineteen years apart. You'll grow up very soon, and you'll become a grown man just like me. When that happens, you'll have a career and a dream you want to pursue. At that time, I'll be in my fifties, soon to grow old. The same goes for your Miss Bea. One day, we’ll become as old as your great-grandfather, but plenty of time will pass before that. A man's shoulders tend to be stronger than a woman's when it comes to withstanding matters of life and death, sickness and old age, under all that stress and pressure." 3

The boy nodded firmly!

He knew that. Dad told him before that a man's shoulders were meant to support the entire family, young and old. 1

Blanche thought it over again and said, "But Miss Bea will have her husband and kids. Dad, are you going to take care of Miss Bea and her husband?"

If so, Dad was being way too kind.

"Why would I take care of her husband?" Luke gave his son a cold look when he heard that. Standing up, he tossed away his half-wet towel, refusing to speak another word of this with his son.

Her husband? 1

That Jean Langdon?

Luke frowned his chiseled brows. 1

The boy lowered his head and tapped his index fingers together. He had no idea what he had said wrong to anger his father again.

other hand,

not know what time

nightmares kept her terrified in the dark of the night, but when dawn

Her phone vibrated.

not notice at

this message doesn't disturb you. I'll be really busy today, so I'm sorry but I won’t be able to visit you. If your cold isn’t better yet, remember to take your medicine.

you a visit today, so she got up early in the morning to make

was asleep, so she did not immediately see

Outside the neighborhood.

now after the

was warm when it shone on your face, and the humidity in the air was

the bottom of the flask. After she disembarked from the bus, she happily made a beeline

was a little

it probably would not be taken down in the next fifteen years

a few old men sitting in twos or threes, drinking tea in the rocking chairs. As she went further, she saw a few women

older women in a patterned dress was cooling herself with a fan as she pointed at the door of Block 12. Eyebrow raised, she said, "Next time I

its cover!

didn’t have much make-up

accuse her without evidence like

way too

leaped to her feet, jabbing a finger at Block 12. "You think I’m framing her? I didn't say a single false word. You can ask the entire neighborhood. In all my years, have I ever framed anyone? She can come confront

look of exasperation. They all

was walking on the path nearby, and her hand holding the

chatting away, and asked them directly. "You said

gossiping ladies

here, are you?" Daisy was feeling a little guilty too. After all, she did not have any hard proof that

let just anyone speak ill of her daughter-in-law, of course, so her temper flared. "Who is she to me? She’s my daughter-in-law! What are you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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