Jean narrowed his eyes wearily, appraising Bianca from head to toe. "When you were sixteen or seventeen, you were all soft and cuddly. But now you're covered in thorns, defensive thorns that stuck out when you're exposed for who you really are."

Bianca listened to Jean's insults and remembered all of the ridiculous accusations he had hurled at her yesterday.

His tone could be so very sharp when he was trying to hurt someone.

It pierced thousands of holes into Bianca’s heart, leaving her bloody and bruised.

She had completely given up now.

"It’s almost time to work now," Bianca said calmly as she walked past him.

However, Jean grabbed her wrist, holding onto her tightly and forcibly pulling her back. His eyes red, he howled, "We haven't cleared this up yet. How can we go to work?!"

Just then, Nina ran out in a hurry. "What are you doing, Jean? Let Bea go!”

Bianca was wearing her compulsory high heels to work. Her heels were very low, but that did not mean they were steady. Jean's pulling her hand had instantly caused her to sprain her left ankle.

She bore the pain and yanked her hand away from Jean while Nina tried to pry her brother's large hand away. The next second, Bianca plucked the ring from her left hand and threw it at Jean's face, her expression determined.

When she next raised her head, Bianca said, "Starting from today, we're through."

Bianca's tone was monotonous. Although she was furious, she had to grit her teeth and keep her calm.

If she did not, she would suffer a terrible defeat! 2

To think that over the past five years, the best actors were Jean and Marie Rayne. 1

Nina said she had once advised her brother to stay away from Marie, and Jean had explicitly said that he never had anything to do with her either.

though, Bianca found out that she had been the one who was lied to

and now, Marie was sitting next to the fountain in front of the company, doing her make-up as she smiled

gaze back and pursed her lips, refusing to show even a hint of

his nose. He raised his hand and caught it, the pressure building behind his eyes as he looked at the ring in his hand. After a long time, he raised his gaze to look at Bianca. "We're through? You can say it so easily. I'm hurt and in so much pain, so how could

to calm down.” Nina looked at her brother and then at her

because I know

me?!" Jean clenched his fists, on the verge of

point in me saying anything anymore. I’ll just be wasting my breath." Bianca withstood the pain in her ankle and continued walking

expression instantly turned dark

brother tightly. "You're at work here! Do you want everyone to know about everything? I’m begging you, Bro, other people are watching. Don’t ruin Bea’s

suddenly turned red. That was right, she had a terrible past she could not erase. If Jean went nuts, there was a chance he would spill it all,

happened to that reasonable, logical Jean

knew perfectly well that after what happened to her five years ago, she cared the most about things like her reputation when it came to sexual relationships. Yet that

don't believe Bea, but you believe that b*tch Marie Rayne? Who is she to you? Why do you give a flip about her? Is your brain made of mush?” Nina berated her brother, her disappointment written

Bianca had received, he remembered what Marie said, he remembered the advice from Bianca's neighbor, that older lady named Daisy... After that, he looked


head low as she

"Miss Bea."

reached her

innocent black eyes opened wide as he said playfully, "Miss Bea, I’ve been hiding here and waiting

and saw that her colleagues in the company did not seem

Bianca asked quietly, trying to

her leg, mumbling, "Miss Bea,

the young master had vanished, and he searched around for the boy to no avail. Finally, he had no choice but to check the surveillance camera footage, starting from when the

could not tell where he had leaped out from, but in any

On the first floor.

Bianca's phone rang.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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