Bianca returned to the design department.

She had managed to throw Jean off downstairs, but she would still see Jean’s face at their workstations.

Thankfully, they were seated far away from each other.

Sue Carter watched Bianca take her seat and immediately checked her reflection in her mirror, sighing resentfully, "Both of us went outstation and stayed up all night, so why am I covered in black circles while you're perfectly fine, Bianca?"

"What brand do you use to remove your black circles, Bianca?” asked one of her female colleagues asked anxiously. 3

Bianca raised her head and said a little awkwardly, "I never used one..."

"Not at all?!" Her colleague was shocked. "Are you a fairy? How could you stay up all night without black circles?! Sooob... We should throw all of the all-nighters here at the department onto you..."

Sue put her mirror aside and said teasingly, "Don't you bully Bianca now. Her boyfriend Jean is right here protecting her!”

Everyone felt another wave of envy at Bianca!

After that little jab, though, Sue was alert enough to notice that both Bianca and Jean looked a little off.

Later, Bianca was so tired that she picked up her coffee mug to get some coffee. Sue followed behind her. When they went into the pantry, Sue made sure that there was no one outside before she approached Bianca and asked, "Did you get into a fight with Jean?"

Both of them had gone outstation to H City before and spent two days together, so Bianca had a very good impression of Sue. To her, Sue was not aloof at all and treated the newbies well, i

"We broke up."

Sue was stunned. "But it’s barely been any time since the trip! You two seemed perfectly fine in the car on the way back, so why’d you suddenly break up?"

stirred her

don’t want to." Sue felt somewhat awkward. After all, Bianca must be really upset

be a match made in

Bianca shook her head.

just gotten to know each other, so she could

Nina was one step ahead of her. That was fine; Sue knew that Nina was Jean’s sister,

way to the cafeteria, Nina sighed. "I don't know what on earth happened to my brother. Why the

laughed it off.

more Nina thought she had been hurt. "Don’t give up on my brother

then, Bianca’s phone

the head of

said to

and let Bianca take

call, Nina went to the cafeteria to get some food. As Bianca’s best friend, she knew exactly what Bianca liked, so by the time Bianca returned to their table,

have to eat fast. The head sent me on

it another outstation

it's the daughter of some director out there who came to visit. The higher-ups are quite concerned about the reception she's going

huh? It's one thing if Sue Carter likes to take all the

tapped Bianca's soup bowl and warned her, 'There’s no need

put her lunchbox aside, telling Nina," Take your time, I need

that fast, what'll happen to your poor stomach?" Nina was worried for Bianca's sake, but Bianca

a car and driver specifically

at least another 20 centimeters. Her outfit was part

high-end jewelry as well, her complete

Bianca, "I bet no one’s flashier than Charlotte Shaw. I mean, her father's still the leader of a related government department. Isn’t she afraid of causing her dear old dad trouble with his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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