Chapter 33 Not Good For A Man And Woman To Be Alone Together

Bianca looked at Nina. Her voice was barely a whisper when she asked, showing just how terrified she was right now. "Did I... do anything irredeemable?

"Also, did I encounter any men?"

"I don't know," Nina said, conflicted. "I wasn't there with you when you were drugged. The doctors only called me over after they got the effects under control."

Bianca caught the keywords.

The doctors got the effect under control.

That meant someone called the doctor for her.

Bianca let out a breath, holding her head in her hands as she thought back carefully. After a long time, she said, "I remember there was a boy in the elevator. I think he said... he wanted to take me to the hospital?"

'That should be it.”

Nina locked down that answer. "I was worried someone took advantage of you, so I even called the number again, but the one who picked up was the doctor. She was a lady doctor, too!”

Nina's reassurance finally put Bianca's heart at ease.

"Do you have any water?"

"Yeah!" Nina hurriedly grabbed a glass of water and put it to Bianca's lips.

After that, she reached for the fruits.

Nina offered Bianca the fruits.

Bianca looked down and looked at the huge banana in front of her. Her face instantly turned red...

Was it a side effect of the drug? For some reason, such an embarrassing image appeared in her head, of a man desperately unbuckling his belt and pulling down his fly...

"I’ll pass." Bianca pushed the banana away exasperatedly.

Nina immediately began peeling the fruit. "I'll take it if you don't want it. Gah, I’m starving."

Bianca stared, slack-jawed, as Nina ate the banana. Those scenes appeared in her head again.

me another glass of

she must be going

earth was

mind was filled with

her mouth as she poured Bianca a glass

thing, her mind finally feeling a little

the results of the investigation are. Now that you’ve regained consciousness, I'm afraid the cops will be here to ask you some questions soon,” Nina

arrested by

would never

any evidence behind. Even if they did, the victim usually would not go to the police

what she had to do to make sure Marie

or you might have cum yourself to death!” Nina was worried that Bianca might fall

Bianca, ”..."

of someone walking toward them, followed by a familiar voice saying "thanks". Since this

stunned. Even she could tell that the voice was

to get

been so long since

away from her bed when she felt an odd

Bianca, asking in concern when she saw the latter

say a

if she was a man, she might

was no time to change into new

pushed open the door and entered the room, followed by Jennifer

Kevin looked instantly relieved when he saw

heart twisted when she saw her father, turning her gaze onto Jennifer instead. "Why didn't

was ashamed, so she

sighed and walked over to Bianca. After he had his daughter sit down, he said carefully, "Bianca,

sank in an

first and only wife, that Marie was his own daughter by flesh

She must be

you're fine." Kevin's face was covered in wrinkles, as was his frowning brow. He patted Bianca's thin shoulders and said with some difficulty, "Your stepmother spoiled Marie, that's why she's the way she is. Those other folks outside have been influencing her badly too. She isn’t such a bad person at

could not believe what Mr. Rayne was implying.

coldly. "I trust that the police will do their job and punish those who deserve it. I'm not so powerful so

now, aren’t you? It's not like you're missing an arm or a leg. Even if Marie did something wrong, you shouldn’t be so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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