Chapter 56

“Estrella,” Kristin called out with a wave of her hand as she spotted her approaching.

Estrella came closer and whispered, “Did someone have their way with Bryce?”

Kristin shook her head, “No. It’s not that serious.”

The Nelsons were known for calling a family council only when there was a serious issue at hand. These meetings used to be a rarity, but ever since Estrella tied the knot with Jason, they seemed to become a tad more frequent.

Keith took his seat at the head of the table and eyed Estrella as she walked in. “Estrella,” he began, “the Lamont family said you incited Janie and Paula to hit someone last night.”

Estrella shrugged. “Grandpa, I’m not that powerful. Just laid out some truth for them. Whatever happened next, that’s on the Lamonts to decide.”

Her words made Keith’s face darken a bit for show, though inside he was clear as day that the girl was up to no good. He retorted, “Even so, you shouldn’t have stirred the potr right now. Any other time would’ve done.”

“Janie was trying to school me on life, and how to bear sons. So, I figured I’d just seek some tips from Hunter on how he’s so darn capable,” Estrella shot back.

The elders began to chime in.

“Estrella’s always been sensible. Last night, it must have been Janie and Paula who provoked her first.”

“Exactly. I saw it with my own eyes,” Jason’s aunt exclaimed. She had initially wanted to rush to Estrella’s defense, but seeing Estrella in full control, she held back. She didn’t want to cramp Estrella’s style by stepping in and playing peacemaker. Instead, she enjoyed the drama from the sidelines. And what a delightful show it was.

“Dad, Estrella knows where the line is. She wouldn’t start anything,” Kristin also sided with


One by one, everyone rallied behind Estrella, leaving Keith with no room to scold. He knew all too well that the Lamonts had grand ambitions and were gunning for the Dorvolds.

Unable to berate Estrella, he turned his attention to Jason. “Estrella’s got a passable excuse. What about you, Jason?”

Jason, hands in his pockets, coolly replied, “No excuse.”

Estrella, intrigued, quietly asked her aunt-in-law, “What did Jason do to Bryce?”

in a bath all night and wouldn’t let him relieve himself with any ladies. Nearly broke the man.”



as well have just had someone take Bryce by

aunt-in-law replied “Grandpa says all of the Nelson family’s mischief seems to have landed on

as the other. I say you better just stick together for life and spare the rest of the world your trouble.” It was clear to him that either of them paired with

spoke up with dissatisfaction,

What if it

serene air, Jason said, “I know what

sidelong glance and then shot Bryce a sympathetic look. Bryce, taking the cue, dramatically lunged for a hug, sobbing, “Estrella, Jason is a monster. Last night,

touching her.” Bryce’s arms, mid-air, froze, and then he

sorry for Bryce, Estrella went over and hugged him. “There, I’ll hug you. That better? If you need more, I’ll scout out

with embarrassment. This brazen

even more despondent, confessed, “I can’t even think about it anymore. I’m scared I’ll never be


“Worst comes to worst, I’ll accompany you for a gender reassignment


Estrella still hugging Bryce, Jason kicked her playfully, “Can’t let

let go and retaliated with a couple of kicks of her


from me.”

attitude rubbed his aunt the wrong way, and she couldn’t help but remark sarcastically, “Jason, I thought you couldn’t stand Estrella. Weren’t you the

did I ever say I didn’t want her or insist

heard it. Estrella herself

adamant. “I




Chapter 56

conversation, “Since that’s not the case, you two better start working on having

up to it? Maybe you

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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