Chapter 82

Estrella thought Jason was coming over to pick up the argument where they left off, but to her surprise, he showed up with medicine-in fact, stomach medicine.

It seemed that after their spat, he had done some digging into her business trip to Silverbrook. Although he hadn’t unearthed anything about her and Korey’s fling, he did discover that she had fallen sick there.

Casting a glance at the medication on her nightstand, Estrella said in an indifferent tone, “Thanks.”

A few months back, if Jason had whipped up some late-night comfort food and brought her medicine, she might have been touched, might have clung to their plans of having a child. But now? She felt next to nothing.

Besides, it wasn’t like Jason was brimming with affection. He was just assuaging a twinge of guilt for having wronged her, for being unfaithful to their marriage. Maybe he didn’t even feel guilty. Who knew what he might want from her later on.

Jason had always been aloof, never acknowledging their relationship in public. Estrella used to brush it off. But when he waxed nostalgic about Holly in front of Korey, disregarding her, Estrella couldn’t help but take it personally.

Korey was into her, even going so far as to propose a marriage to the Dorvold family. Jason’s behavior was a blatant message to Korey that he didn’t value her, Estrella. It was as if he was deliberately riling Korey up, pushing her away. That was something Estrella couldn’t stomach.

If he didn’t care, he should just end it. But to deliberately give other guys a shot, to push her away – what did he treat her as?

He claimed to be bothered by Korey, yet his actions spoke a whole different story. He was almost desperate to catch her in the act of infidelity.

When Jason offered help if she felt unwell, Estrella responded, “Sure, you should get

some rest too.”

Her words were agreeable enough, but deep down, she knew better. She wouldn’t turn to him even if she was on death’s door – she never did it before, and she certainly wouldn’t

start now.

With a clunk, Jason closed the door behind him, and Estrella promptly tossed the pills he had brought into the trash can.

her room, freshly prepped for the day, she bumped into Jason coming out from across the hall.


Chapter 82

casual ease, she greeted, “Morning!”

slightly. Just then, Estrella’s phone rang – it was


answered the call, and before she could get a word out, Bryce’s frantic voice blared through, “Estrella, where are you now? What’s going on?”

frowned, pulling the phone away from

I told you? A lady’s gotta have some self-respect. You can’t indulge a man like my brother. You’re just letting my words go in one ear and out

Jason to catch the gist,

about to retort when Jason, whose face was like a thundercloud, snatched the

changed immediately. “Bro, I’ve been on Estrella’s case non-stop, telling her not to hold a grudge and to hustle back

his rapid-fire change of tune had Jason hanging up the call abruptly. Tossing the phone back

“No need for you to school

Estrella skipped breakfast at home, grabbed her keys, and made for the

a ride.” Without waiting for her consent, he steered her

a delicate stomach. Estrella accepted the breakfast he pushed into her hands politely. “Thanks.” But she didn’t dive in. It wasn’t until they reached the law firm’s building that Jason reminded her to take the

it.” As Estrella approached the entrance, Bryce emerged from the

hustled over here

skip breakfast again, so I brought

Bryce playing chauffeur and breakfast courier since Jason was minding the company and he was


Chapter 82

her hand.

swapped meals. “Don’t bother with his lousy grub. Eat mine.”

a bun into his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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