Chapter 252

Hearing this, Jason came to a dead halt. He stood still for a moment, then turned to lock eyes with Keith.

The look on Jason’s face had definitely lost its earlier warmth, and his gaze towards Keith had frosted over.

Keith went for the emotional angle, “You know better than anyone if there’s a future for you and Estrella. And, come on, if you were really honest with yourself, could you truly accept her child?”

“I can,” Jason replied flatly.

In Keith eyes, Jason was always the level-headed one, not someone to be ensnared by emotions. But this time, Jason had gone too far, accepting something most men couldn’t stomach.

When Jason didn’t rise to the bait about the child, Keith played the sympathy card, “I’m getting on in years, Jason. Can’t you indulge an old man’s last wishes? Besides, you haven’t even met the girl I’m talking about. How can you be so sure you won’t like her?”

“Other than Estrella, I don’t have eyes for anyone else.”

Keith’s face darkened. “Are you trying to be the death of me? Do you want me to leave this world without peace?”

Jason’s retort was nonchalant, “You’ve had a life of smooth sailing, calling the shots. Not many can boast of such glory. So even if this one thing doesn’t go your way, I doubt you’ll have any regrets.” That was Jason’s way of saying, deal with it.

Keith fumed, “You bastard, you’re going to be the death of me.”

Jason remained unfazed. “If I am, then so be it. What can I do? Nobody lives forever, and a hundred years from now, we’ll still have to face each other.”

Kristin, trying not to laugh at Jason’s comebacks, thought to herself that Keith should have kept his nose out of her son’s business. Keith had summoned Jason back for a blind date, and now, after getting an earful, hopefully, Keith would drop this.

As Keith was ready to swing his cane at Jason, Kristin stepped in to calm him down, “Please, let it go. Don’t stoop to his level. You’ll only make yourself sick. And you know how stubborn Jason can be. Once he opens his mouth, he can rile up the dead.”

It might have looked like Kristen was supporting Keith, but in reality, she was preventing Keith from hitting her son.

of my life for your fleeting happiness, nor will I attend any blind dates you arrange. Estrella is the only woman for me.” With that, Jason didn’t linger and left the house.


Chapter 252

a fool,” Keith cursed as Jason walked away.

He’s gone. Save your

chimed in, “Did you really think any of your grandchildren would be pushovers? I told you to stay out of their business. Serves you right for

be with Estrella. The Nelson family will not be raising another man’s child.”

chuckled. “You think they even want

herself how formidable her mother-in-law’s sharp tongue was. But then again, Amber was

so much at Keith’s pressure, but at

to accept him, and resistant to the idea of getting back together. Keith’s interference

steering wheel, he found himself outside the Dorvold residence without even realizing

it, gazing up at Estrella’s window. It had been three days since he’d seen her, four days since he’d seen Isaac. Pulling out a cigarette and lighter, he lit up and blew out a long

the dead of night?” Estrella’s voice suddenly cut through the silence. Jason turned, saw her standing next to him, and hastily stubbed out the cigarette in

the extinguished

to see how you’re doing,” Jason said

though he hadn’t expected to run into her right outside

at his car. “You’re blocking the…”

into his arms and hugged her tightly. Caught

on her shoulder, Jason

who wasn’t tired in this world?

pushing him away, Estrella waited before asking,



Chapter 252

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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