A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 401

Wendy had no idea what Kelsea was trying to do.

She looked at Kelsea with confusion. The latter was already smiling sweetly. Somehow, that sweet smile looked awkward on her cold and apathetic face.

Kelsea wasn’t even looking at Arielle. Instead, she was greeting the man sitting beside Arielle, “Harvey, you’re here too?”

Harvey turned around upon hearing her voice and said calmly, “Hey, Kelsea.”

Kelsea grabbed Wendy and sat down next to Harvey. She then asked in a sweet tone, “Harvey, do you mind if we join you?”

With how powerful and influential the Jupiters were, it wouldn’t make sense if they minded her to join them for a meal.

However, almost right away, Harvey answered with a frown, “I do mind.”

Kelsea stiffened at that moment, and she wondered if she had heard him wrongly.

who was sitting next to her,

and forced a smile. “Harvey, you’re

“Not at all. I’m not

ask the

a bad feeling about this, but she still forced a

at Kelsea and Wendy with a neutral

been a while since I’ve seen Harvey, and it’d

that. “There’s no need for that. I’ve already paid for the meal. You

Her expression

Ms. Morgan, if you emphasize this much on manners, shouldn’t you kneel and


to rub it in my face! How I wish I could just get

was curious to

Kelsea a meaningful look before saying, “It’s just something

what I’m

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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