A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 426

No one opposed the roll call. However, the only problem they were worried about was becoming the unlucky chosen person.

After all, whoever was chosen to read the passage would simply be embarrassing themselves in front of Wendy, the class’ most outstanding student.

It was for this reason that everyone was praying earnestly in their hearts. Please don’t say my name, please don’t say my name…

At this moment, Arthur came upon a name that piqued his interest. “Trisha Hughes. Who is Trisha Hughes?”

Trisha, who was sitting in the fourth row, flushed deep crimson when she heard her name.

As she blushed, her entire body began to quiver violently.

This kind of situation was excruciatingly agonizing for her.

Oh God, why of all people did he have to call my name?

Trisha was so terrified that tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to fall at any minute.

From her vantage point, Arielle could clearly see

slightly, she raised her hand just as

like to read. Could you please give me this

Wendy both turned their heads at the same

who had said

want to speak Ustranasion in front of

defeat her, but could someone

my hair is worth more

so grateful that she

was the kindest girl she had ever

apprehensive. Won’t Arielle feel embarrassed when she stands up to read the passage aloud later? Wendy’s reading just now was

couldn’t help but

Jared was concerned since he knew that Arielle was from

Arthur asked

about having the courage to speak up. Therefore, regardless of how well or poorly they performed, he must encourage those who volunteered to read

responded with a

good!” Arthur nodded appreciatively as he said his catchphrase. “Okay, please read the second paragraph. Relax and don’t worry if

think Arielle’s pronunciation could be any better than hers, but

you do it? If you can’t, I’ll help you. I’ve

head but froze when she picked up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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