A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 436

Meanwhile, after Mason left the bank, he immediately transferred the money to the hacker company.

After they promised him that they would not harass him anymore, he continued to wander around for a while before he went back to Actonward residence.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Russell sitting on the couch and drinking tea. The latter was staring at him with a solemn face.

Seeing that, Mason’s heart fell, and a panic feeling rose in his heart.

He tried to calm himself down and forced a smile. “Dad, why are you home today? Is the company not busy?”

Still staring at Mason, Russell said, “There’s nothing much at the company today. Edmund told me that you took the divorce agreement to visit Yvette?”

“Yes.” Mason immediately nodded his head.

Russell raised his brows and asked, “Is Yvette getting any better?”

Mason sighed, pretending to be upset. “There was no response from her. I think she’s really sick. But I believe she’ll get better soon under the treatment and care of the doctors. By the way, the doctor told me today that we’d better not disturb her while she’s under treatment.”

Russell, but he managed


“Then, let’s not disturb her for the time being. We’ll

be going upstairs now. It’s been a tiring day, and I need to get some

waved his hand,

seen through by Russell. He did not dare to talk

disappeared from his sight. His expression was icy

moment, Edmund

low voice, “Have you

“Yes, I’ve investigated it thoroughly. Mr. Moore did not go back to the hospital again. Besides, I’ve heard from

money?” Russell’s face darkened

and continued,

Mr. Moore’s visit. After he left, Ms. Yvette became delirious again. The

Russell slammed his palm

frightened that he dared not utter a single

him closely! I would like to see what’s the reason for him borrowing

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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