A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 457

Without hesitation, Donovan agreed.

He was only afraid that Marcus would try to draw attention away from this matter because he had Arielle’s back. Nonetheless, it was good enough that Marcus was willing to investigate.

From his point of view, that was not an act of self defense. She definitely started it.

After all, she even had the guts to taunt him, not to mention how she treated others.

A student like Arielle should never have been accepted into Jadeborough University!

During preparatory class, Arielle let out a few yawns. Glancing around, she saw Kelsea giving her an amused look.

Arielle raised her brows and looked back at her with a smile.

Kelsea’s expression quickly turned into a look of disgust before she looked away.

Right on the bat, the classroom door was thrown open.

Excited, Kelsea looked over.

did so

the classroom first, followed

wore grim

of Arielle’s mouth

had been waiting for a long time, and they were finally

happened last night. Please fill us in on the gang fight that happened at the

left her mouth, Wendy’s

expelled from school for fighting! That’s great! I don’t even have to do anything, and Arielle is getting herself kicked

but turn to the boy sitting beside her. He idolized Arielle. “How can

at her in disapproval. “It isn’t the first day that Mr. Baxter showed hatred

heard people behind her softly

fight? How is that possible? She is

it must be a

joined in. “Is Mr. Baxter trying to frame Arielle? I’m rather disappointed

Wendy’s expression fell.

why everyone would take

Baxter is our

and Henry looked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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