A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 534

“Arielle!” Vinson answered without hesitation.

Initially, he was reluctant to tell Jordan about it because he knew that the latter would spread the news to the others. But, he knew that he had to clear the misunderstanding between them now.

He had never discriminated against homosexuals, but he just did not want Jordan to misunderstand him.

As a straight man, he hated being misunderstood.

Since he had never dated anyone before, many people assumed that he was a homosexual. He did not want his close friends to misunderstand him.

When Jordan heard Arielle’s name, he was stunned.

He asked in surprise, “Goddess?‘

Vinson glared at him and warned, “She’s not your goddess. She’s your future sister-in-law. Watch your language.”

Jordan raised his hands in surrender and asked, “But, Harvey’s courting Arielle, right? He even went to an island and killed a shark to gift her its tooth. I heard

frowned upon hearing that,

know. However, since both of you like the same woman, how are you



anything about

“Fine, fine. She’s yours.”

for Arielle too. Luckily I got away before any damage was done. Otherwise, I’ll die

to this idiot. He said, “If you’ve nothing to do, just put yourself in jail. Stop messing around. If Arielle finds out about this, I’ll tear you apart.

He quickly left


him but conflicted because the person Vinson liked

for a woman, they would be in love with the same person for the rest

if they go against each other for

Jordan was frustrated.

that, he quickly took out his phone and sent Carter a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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