A Beauty With Multiple Masks Chapter 567

They could already see that Arielle was much more skilled than Zachary. It seemed highly probable that Arielle would be able to save this hemophilic patient all by herself.

Zachary loitered around the corridor outside, waiting for them to plead with him to go in again.

After all, he was the best surgeon in there. In fact, he was the top surgeon at Rocher Private Hospital. If anything were to go wrong, they would not be able to handle it without him.

Zachary deliberately slowed down his steps, waiting for someone from inside the emergency room to come running out after him.

However, no one came, and he could hear the sound of the door slowly swinging shut behind him.

Boom! The door slammed shut. Zachary’s heart sank.

He knew how important the patient was to Vinson, and if he were the one to cure the patient, Vinson would be indebted to him

Besides, Carter Morgan, who runs Rocher Private Hospital, was a good friend of Vinson. If the patient was cured by him, his promotion within the hospital would be guaranteed.

He had been so sure that they could not carry on without him and yet, they had let the door close behind him.

his shoulder at

could not

clenched his


hatred for Arielle

shone with resentment, and he secretly hoped that something terrible would happen and that brat

that moment, Vinson and

expression and

“Why aren’t you in the emergency room? How’s

Zachary hesitated.

speak your

fatal point! This is instant death! I tried to stop her but she kicked me

her?” Zachary blurted out.

negatively to his outburst, but instead, they kept insisting that Arielle was extremely

Zachary felt cornered.

such trust in them? Fine! So, she’s very reliable, huh? I’ll

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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