Chapter 36


I’m restless, and I don’t know why. Tobias hasn’t answered his phone for two days. I know he is busy. And yes, I know we are in different time zones, but I can’t help but worry.

Did something happen to him?

I have this terrible feeling in my gut. It churns and feels like a growing hole, making it impossible to relax. Why won’t my husband answer his phone?! I want to tell him the good. news, goddamn it!

My eyes water.

Tobias, I’m pregnant.

We will have twins.

My hand travels to my stomach in the night. I’m happy but also afraid of the darkness enveloping me. It was a mistake to pick this room. I’m sleeping on the top floor, alone without. a nightlight on.

It’s scary.

I wish Tobias was here…

Without him by my side, every sound got my heart pounding fast. Ugh. I should have put at light on before I went to bed! I’m afraid of the dark. Though, when I fell asleep, the sun was shining.

But it’s not anymore, and I’m not asleep.

My head is spinning too fast, but I know there is no point in staying awake. If I fall asleep, maybe Tobias will have responded to my messages by the time I wake up?

I try to close my eyes and fall asleep by force, but then I hear something shatter downstairs. It sounds like glass, and I bolt upright, eyes wide and my heart drumming too fast.

Is it a robber?!

I listen in silence and hear footsteps going up the stairs. Are they heading over here? Damn it! Why did I let the butlers take a day off to have an after-work?! That was such a big mistake!

My eyes dart around the room. I can’t see anything in the darkness and decide the best defense. is to hide under the blanket when I hear the door open to the bedroom.

They are here!


the robber click on the light. Then I wait for what feels like an eternity before I

heck are you doing? Why


up at my laughing husband. His brownish, blonde hair has been cut. It’s longer at the top, and his dazzling teeth show

My chest constricts.

beautiful wearing light jeans and a grey sweater that

I whisper. “You… you’re


lips quirk up higher. “I’m sorry for not answering the phone. I wanted to surprise you, but it got pretty late, so I thought

“You broke a vase?”

I was in too much of a hurry to see your

sweet, sweet

up from the bed and rush across the room with outstretched arms to hug the life

missed you so

arms wrap around Tobias immediately, and he laughs at my eagerness.



Of course, I’ve missed his ass! “You’ve

press my face into his broad chest, inhaling his cologne. He has a new one. This one smells like

on me.


missed you more… and damn… this sweater…” I say, sliding my hands over the hard plates of his chest. He is a living wall of muscles. “I could get used to this

to be naked, not

giggle and look up into his eyes while stroking his

want your hands

you…” I’m playing with his pec, weighing it in my palm. “Then I bet you have no time touching

time for that…” Tobias’s voice has gone husky, and he


are almost glued together now.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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