Chapter 41 The Inexplicable Jealousy

Samuel’s calm breath started to turn heavy, and he withdrew his arm. Then, he turned to leave.

Looking at his back, Natalie was baffled by his weird attitude.

Didn’t he want to punch me in the face? Why hasn’t he said anything and just walked away?

She racked her brain for a long time but still could not figure it out. What did I do to anger him again?

After she had used the restroom, Natalie walked back to the restaurant. She noticed that Ross was the only one sitting at the table, and Xavian was nowhere to be found.

“Where is Xavian?”

“He said he wanted to use the restroom urgently.”

“But, I didn’t see him on my way back here.”

Afraid that she would be worried, Ross offered, “Why don’t I go to the men’s restroom and look for him? After all, he is still a small kid.”

her drink and smiled wryly. “You won’t find him in there. He must have wanted to go somewhere else but was afraid that you

smile. He could feel that

followed thereafter six years ago were a nightmare, then Clayton and Xavian were the light that chased away the darkness

them, she would not use all her final strength

Ross said slowly, “I’m curious as to what you have been through. Why do you say things that feel as if whatever that

“It so happens that I had been treated highly by my closest and beloved family and then thrown into the deepest, never-ending abyss in an

it correctly, but hearing

Looking at her from the side, he thought that even though she was talking about it casually, there was a possibility that what she had gone through was more challenging and a thousand times more painful than what he had experienced.

Samuel was standing outside

fixed on the table near the window at the man staring at Natalie, seemingly lost

her guard down in front of the man and allowed him to see her in her most

this man? How could he make Natalie look like

and the aura exuded from him turned

fingers took out a stick of cigarette from


his eyes, Samuel turned to look at the young

kid was very adorable. Furthermore, his cherubic face was red, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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