Chapter 48 Cry If It Hurts

The next day, Natalie was woken up by the sound of knocking on the door.

“Who’s there?” she called out.

“Natalie, it’s me and Sophia.” The owner of the voice was Franklin. “You’re awake? Can we come in?” he asked.


Just as Franklin was twisting the doorknob, Natalie suddenly remembered the hyper-realistic mask that she had left in the bathroom. Hurriedly, she went to collect it and put it on.

She was greeted by the twins just as soon as she exited the bathroom.

Franklin lifted his head and greeted Natalie energetically. “Good morning, Natalie.”

Sophia, on the other hand, showed her a piece of paper. The words good morning was written on the paper using crayons. There were even pink petals drawn on the sides.

The twins were really something.

Franklin was domineering yet endearing. He was the embodiment of a young master.

Sophia, on the other hand, was adorable and smart. Her cuteness made everyone’s hearts melt.

Although Natalie had rejected their suggestion for her to move in, she could not deny her desire to get closer to them.

morning, Franklin and

each of their heads. However, she soon

her lost pair of twins were right

felt in her heart was

Sophia the best love and care

to the dining room

at Samuel. “Good

the night before flashed through her

not care whether Samuel was doing it for his children or whether he was trying to flirt

made herself

not believe that he could also endure the fact that she had given

of his coffee as his gaze met Natalie’s.

toward her,

back at the Nichols family. Getting into any unwanted business was

Halfway through their breakfast, Gavin came to report to Samuel after receiving a phone call. “Mr. Samuel, Ms. Yara called to inform that her film crew has let her off for half a day. She said that she’ll arrive half an hour later.”

for Sophia, accidentally exerted

end of the plate grazed the back of Natalie’s hand

out from the fresh wound and started flowing down her

was still dumbfounded as everything happened

from her wound. Instead, she was

she proceeded to force a

wound, the

in his and turned to Gavin.

and went to look for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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